Chapter 622 The Truth Comes Out
Luo Xiaran didn't expect that the team members who were going to deal with Jin Feiya left without watching Jin Feiya die completely.What she didn't expect was that after losing the power core, the power user still had a period of time to cast the power.From this point of view, we need to be more cautious in the future.

After hearing this, Luo Xiaran didn't bother to continue listening to Jin Feiya's nonsense, and directly turned her attention to Xiao Xiao, the copyer. Luo Xiaran was also very interested in this copying ability.

Manipulating the supernatural power, there was no need for Luo Xiaran to ask, looking at the dead body of Luo Xiaran, Xiao Xiao began to talk to himself.And through Xiao Xiao's story, Luo Xiaran finally understood why Xiao Xiao didn't use the copy ability to hide herself.

One is because Xiao Xiao doesn't think that a small person like himself will be remembered by Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, and the other is because of the restriction of copying abilities.When the copying ability works, it cannot act on the person with the ability and the person to whom the ability is cast at the same time.

So considering that Luo Xiaran ran so far to kill Wu Yan'an and Jin Feiya, she naturally had to be careful to help Jin Feiya hide.What's more, Jin Feiya's previous appearance was more eye-catching, and it was not convenient for them to hurry. From H city to S city, it was not an easy matter for the two women.

The reason why Jin Feiya and Xiao Xiao came together with Feng Yuman was because Jin Feiya and Xiao Xiao were bumped into by Feng Yuman's team when they took advantage of them to bring them to the S City Security Base before they resolved.

Feng Yuman still has a good impression of the two of them, not to mention that after Jin Feiya talked about her enmity with Luo Xiaran, Feng Yuman naturally didn't mind helping her rival's worries.

It's just that Feng Yuman didn't expect that Jun Lie would actually give his life for Luo Xiaran.Thinking that Jun Lie would die because of this, Feng Yuman wished to turn back time.

If I had known earlier, I would not have listened to Jin Feiya and the others, and would have attacked those with healing abilities. Now that there are no healing abilities, I don't know if Luo Xiaran alone can save Jun Lie.

Feng Yuman didn't know that the toxin before might be powerful, but it didn't exist to seal the throat by seeing blood, not to mention that the light-type supernatural beings can suppress the toxin themselves, so Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao, who should have been designed to die by them, At this time, he was still alive and kicking.However, in order not to leak the news, they were allowed to stay in the inn and pretend to be dead.

And the reason why Feng Yuman and his party disappeared so quickly after the attack was indeed, as Xiao Zhenyan said, the effect of an invisible person.

The one who used the poison was not a member of their team, but the ability of a member of Feng Yuman's team before, but because the level of the ability was too low, and the poison was of no use to zombies, so has died outside.

At this point, the assassination finally came to light.After hearing the hatred and jealousy of the three women, the expressions on the faces of all the people were not very good-looking.Thinking that Jun Lie might die under their schemes, I really don't know what to say.

Without this almost successful attack, Xiao Zhenyan might continue to underestimate women, so sooner or later, he would fall on women because of this.

But thanks to the lessons learned this time, Xiao Zhenyan finally stopped ignoring the slightest problems and characters because of his IQ, and would not be in danger because of this...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ So don't underestimate women~ Is there anything unclear about the explanation?
(End of this chapter)

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