Chapter 623 The Last Question

After knowing all the facts, Luo Xiaran crippled the limbs of the three women, and then bound the three women with mutated licorice, not giving them a chance to escape, and then regained the ability of illusion.

Seeing the suddenly changed environment and scene at first glance, the three women were stunned for a while.When they saw Luo Xiaran who was still alive, the three women looked at Luo Xiaran with ferocious faces, wishing to kill Luo Xiaran a thousand times in their eyes.

"Unexpectedly, it fell into your hands again. The skills are not as good as others. If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want." After a long time, it was Jin Feiya who calmed down first.

Jin Feiya herself is a smart woman, so she didn't need to think too much to understand that they had fallen into the trap, and it was very likely that everything before was also arranged by Luo Xiaran and the others to arrest the three of them.After all, Jun Lie who was standing beside Luo Xiaran didn't look injured, did he?
And then it was Feng Yuman who calmed down. Feng Yuman was slightly happy to see that Jun Lie was not seriously injured.However, the pain from the broken limbs also made Feng Yuman understand that their calculation must have been exposed.

So even though he was still full of love for Jun Lie, Feng Yuman now knew that he should not speak too much.Thinking of Luo Xiaran's unruliness and willfulness before, Feng Yuman felt that he would lose his skin if he didn't die this time.But as long as she survives, sooner or later Jun Lie will be snatched away from Luo Xiaran!

It has to be said that Feng Yuman, a woman, not only feels good about herself, she even likes to daydream.From the beginning to the end, Jun Lie never paid attention to Feng Yuman at all, but she still felt that it was because of Luo Xiaran that Jun Lie ignored her.

If not, she would not have joined forces with Xiao Xiao and Jin Feiya to kill Luo Xiaran.In Feng Yuman's view, as long as there is no obstacle like Luo Xiaran, then Jun Lie will definitely belong to her alone.

"Well, of course I won't let you go again. If I had known today, I would have personally solved you a few months ago. But I still have a question, how long have you and Wu Yanan been together?
You are by Wu Yanan's side, you should have known about my existence early in the morning. "Luo Xiaran squatted down, looked down at Jin Feiya's eyes full of hatred, smiled mockingly with the corners of her mouth curled up, and then said: "When you lied to me, why didn't you think about whether I would How about such a day? "

"Wu Yan'an has done everything to the company, and cheated my parents and me in the name of love, you won't tell me that you don't know anything? Do you think you two are the only smart people in the world?"

In the previous life, Luo Xiaran was very well protected by Luo Zhaoxian. If Luo Zhaoxian had told Luo Xiaran earlier that Wu Yanan was doing tricks in the company in private, Luo Xiaran would not be foolishly used by Wu Yanan for two lifetimes. up.

If it weren't for the existence of the system, Luo Xiaran would naturally not be able to escape Wu Yan'an's calculations.Even in ancient times, if Luo Xiaran didn't have an inn that could provide assistance to Wu Yan'an, it probably wouldn't have ended well.

You must know that although the ancient times they were in at that time did not allow women to stay out of the door, but the imperial power was supreme, and as a prince, Wu Yan'an, if he did something to a plain woman, it would be easy.

Luo Xiaran thinks about it now, if she hadn't been standing behind Wu Yan'an at that time, maybe the thing of falling into prostitution would have happened to her.After all, even if she changed her body at that time, Luo Xiaran was still very clear about her appearance...

 Released on a regular basis~ This year has no meaning at all~ There is no taste of the year~
(End of this chapter)

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