Chapter 624 Burn it clean

"Ha, of course I know you. Yan'an said that when you are no longer useful, you will be handed over to me. It's a pity that the end of the world came too suddenly, otherwise I will never make it easier for you!" Jin Fei Ya sneered and said, if it wasn't for the end of the world, Wu Yan'an might have married her long ago.

Hearing this, Jun Lie kicked Jin Feiya away in anger.When Jun Lie thought that if there was no end of the world, he and Luo Xiaran would not meet too much, and Luo Xiaran would really likely fall into Jin Feiya's hands to be tortured and humiliated.

"Don't be angry, she can only sharpen her teeth for a while." Luo Xiaran pulled Jun Lie who still wanted to continue, and smiled slightly.Sure enough, Luo Xiaran needs to be grateful for the end of the world, otherwise Luo Xiaran is a little scared.

Although I knew that Wu Yan'an had no affection for me, but thinking of her chasing after Wu Yan'an since she was a child, Wu Yan'an can be said to have watched her grow up, and even Luo Xiaran's temperament and temperament in her previous life were deliberately cultivated by Wu Yan'an After coming out, Luo Xiaran felt very uncomfortable.

Without waiting for Luo Xiaran to think about it, Jun Lie slightly tightened his arms around her waist.Luo Xiaran looked at Jun Lie, pursed her lips, and kissed him on the cheek.She knew that Jun Lie was jealous of Wu Yan'an, but Wu Yan'an was dead, and Luo Xiaran would not think about him so much anymore.

"Since you guys dared to attack me, you should have thought about the possible end. Don't blame me for being cruel, but blame yourself for courting death. I, I have never attacked innocent people. Farewell Hey." Luo Xiaran said while urging the mutated bitter grass to tighten its tentacles.

Looking at the twisted and struggling Jinfeiya and the other three in the hands of the mutated bitter grass, Luo Xiaran was slightly moved, but full of joy.If it weren't for them, Jun Lie would not be in danger, and she would never be merciful in the future.

It wasn't until the three women completely lost their breath under the shackles of the mutated bitter grass that Luo Xiaran let out a heavy breath, then buried her head in Jun Lie's arms, took back the mutated bitter grass and said, "Burn it clean!" , so as not to cause further mishaps.”

Luo Xiaran couldn't believe it anymore, if they were burned to ashes with a fire, would there be a chance of resurrection?Some mistakes once are enough!
The temperature of Jun Lie's flame was extremely high. In less than five seconds, the three women turned into a handful of ashes, leaving burnt marks on the ground.Because Luo Xiaran and the others didn't mind that the massacre would be known, they walked out of the villa after it was resolved.

The team members in several other villas had already solved their problems and were waiting outside. At this time, snowflakes began to float in the sky again. The pure white snowflakes seemed to bury half of all the sins.

"It's getting late, let's go back. It's okay anyway, why don't you go to the residence to celebrate, the big meal prepared for the previous wedding was not in the mood to eat in the end." Luo Xiaran looked at the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger, and suggested .Because the wedding banquet at the previous wedding could not be sure whether it was poisonous or not, it was eventually burned by the fire-type supernatural powers.

Considering that everyone is busy and worried about the attack these days, Luo Xiaran felt that it would be better to hold a banquet, one is to continue celebrating their wedding with Xiao Zhenyan, and the other is to celebrate the perfect resolution of the incident.

What's more, next, she will concentrate on treating Fu Yixian...

 Regular release~Thank you for your support~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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