625 The best

Every time Luo Xiaran proposed, Jun Lie would naturally not refuse.And Xiao Zhenyan and the others are also used to the fact that the two of them are often in charge of Luo Xiaran, so they sent someone to the inn to inform Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui, and the group drove to the house of the Lieyan Mercenary Group. station.

The lobby of the fourth-level inn cannot seat more than 5000 people. Although it is possible to upgrade to the sixth level, Luo Xiaran considers that when looking for mutated medicinal materials in the future, there may be crystal cores or branch stores. Time, so there is no rush to upgrade.Anyway, in the canteen of the resident, it won't be too cold if there are too many people.

After arriving at the station, Luo Xiaran first went to Dong Qinghe's chef.Although she can also cook, Dong Qing and the chefs are still required to cook for so many people.And with Jun Lie's possessiveness, he probably wouldn't want Luo Xiaran to cook for others.

The whole slaughtered cattle and sheep were delivered to Dong Qing by Luo Xiaran, and then there were all kinds of vegetables, melons, fruits, rice, noodles, grains and oils, until the warehouse of the restaurant's back kitchen was piled up, and Luo Xiaran withdrew.

It's freezing cold, even if these materials are piled up in the warehouse, they won't spoil easily.Although Juncheng is also a person with space abilities, Juncheng has limited space and often stays in the trading hall. Luo Xiaran's doing this also prevents the team members in the station from encountering food shortages.

And the work of slaughtering cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks was actually done by Amu, the nurse in the inn.Don't look at Amu as a nurse in the inn's setting, but in fact Amu is also a hunter, and he is also very skilled in hunting and slaughtering livestock.

Although Luo Xiaran didn't know how the shopkeeper and others were arranged by the inn and the system, but I have to say that even the waiter and the cook in the inn must be the best in the industry outside.

The cook can cook all kinds of food, and the shop assistant is proficient in many dialects in addition to serving dishes and washing dishes, and can provide customers with a full range of services anytime and anywhere.

After walking out of the cafeteria, I realized that a layer of snow had already fallen in the yard.Walking on it makes a 'creaking' sound, which makes people want to continue.

However, considering that Jun Lie would definitely not let her play in the snow outside, not to mention being tormented by Jun Lie for several days before, even with the healing ability, Luo Xiaran still had a faint feeling of back pain.

Walking into the conference room, Jun Lie and the others were drinking tea and saying this, because Jun Lie could also use Luo Xiaran's system backpack, so there were still several plastic fruit plates on the conference chairperson's table at this time. Put some melon seeds, peanuts or apples and pears.

It was probably because Jun Lie had already said something to a few people, so although they were curious about Luo Xiaran sharing the space with Jun Lie, they didn't ask too many questions.

After all, Luo Xiaran has many secrets, they all know it, don't they?As long as it doesn't hurt Jun Lie, they won't get to the bottom of it.What's more, if Junlie can use the space ability, it will be very beneficial to their team.

After sitting for half an hour, Dong Qing began to send all kinds of prepared meals into the meeting room one after another.Because Luo Xiaran said it was a celebration, today's dishes are all made of various meats and vegetables, which can be described as very rich.

It's a pity that just after everyone had eaten half full, there was a loud noise outside the door. Before everyone could react, a team member wearing a military coat rushed in from outside the door...

 Timely release~ My back hurts from sitting~
(End of this chapter)

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