Chapter 627 Doubt and Guess

After the mutated animals arrived in groups, Jun Lie and the others could naturally see what mutated animals they were.I saw a large number of cats, cats and dogs gathered outside the city wall. If you look carefully, there are even mutated rabbits, hamsters and so on.

"It's a bit like an army of pets." Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and said with narrowed eyes.Before the end of the world, people in the city also began to keep cats, cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits, parrots and snakes as pets, but now it seems that City S is indeed a big city, and there are so many pets gathered.

So how did these mutant animals gather together?What is their purpose?Before Luo Xiaran could think of anything, the group of mutated animals outside the city wall began to attack the snow wall.

"It seems that there is no way to solve it peacefully. Why don't you catch a few and get them up and ask Grandpa Pei for help." Seeing the group of mutated animals desperately attacking the snow wall, even with the blessing of ice-type abilities , but the snow wall probably won't last long.

"Well, let's use long-range attacks first." Jun Lie nodded upon hearing this, and issued a notice to Qi Zichun, Xiao Zhenyan and others.The base of mutated fauna is too large, if a team is rashly arranged to go out of the city to attack, it is likely to be hurt.

Luo Xiaran stood on the city wall and observed for a while, then came to the top of the relatively empty wall, pinched the mutated bitter grass ball and began to cast the supernatural power.The mutated bitter grass, which doubled in size, finally stretched out its long tentacles and rolled towards the mutated animal behind the snow wall.

Fortunately, the mucus on the tentacles effectively prevented the sharp claws of the mutated animals from hurting the tentacles.In just a few minutes, the mutated bitter grass caught several mutated animals and sent them to Luo Xiaran.

Seeing the mutated kitten and mutated rabbit struggling under the shackles of the mutated bitter grass, Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes slightly.Because the mutated animals that were caught did not appear to be sane at all.

This is rather strange, why are most of the mutated animals in the mountains and forests possessed of mind, while many of the mutated animals living in the city and in constant contact with humans have no mind?
Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and had a guess in her heart.Could it be because of wood energy?After all, there are more wood-type energy in the mountains and forests, and the wood-type energy is relatively peaceful. Even if there is no ability to mutate into healing, ordinary wood-type power users can recover much faster than other power-type users after being injured.

But despite having such a conjecture, Luo Xiaran still needs to practice it.After letting the mutated bitter grass tighten the mutated animal, Luo Xiaran finally lost some wood energy into the mutated rabbit.

And as little by little wood energy entered the mutated rabbit's body, the captured mutated rabbit began to reduce its struggle, and finally stared at Luo Xiaran with red rabbit eyes.

"Grandpa Pei, please ask me." Seeing that the rabbit's eyes had regained their flexibility, Luo Xiaran said to Pei Zheng who was being held in King Kong's arms.

Although I can't be sure how much the mutant rabbit knows, after all, the intelligence of the mutant rabbit is not high, but knowing a little is a little bit, isn't it?Otherwise, if they encounter this kind of situation again in the future, they will not even have a chance to take precautions. If they are not notified in time, then the team members defending the city will be in danger, right?

 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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