Chapter 628 Driven by Desire

Pei Zheng was carried by King Kong to Luo Xiaran's side. Because King Kong was taller, Pei Zheng looked down at Luo Xiaran and asked, "What does Xia Ran want to ask?"

"First ask about their purpose, why it is crazy, and how it feels when I lose to it with wood-type energy." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran said after thinking for a moment.

Because she couldn't communicate directly with the mutated animals, Luo Xiaran could only ask the main questions.However, regarding this point, Luo Xiaran still felt a little troublesome.After all, it is calculated that she can awaken one mutant animal with the wood-type ability, but it is impossible to awaken thousands of mutant animals, isn't it?
So even if Luo Xiaran found some solutions, there was no way for the survivors to stop their attacks.Although she has no shortage of meat to eat, for the survivors, the meat outside the city is rare.

According to Luo Xiaran's request, Pei Zheng communicated with the mutant rabbit. As the communication time increased, Pei Zheng's expression became more and more serious.It wasn't until after the communication with him that Pei Zheng asked King Kong to put him down.

"The mutated animals attacked because the weather was too cold and they couldn't find food. The rabbit said that it was warm and comfortable when you gave it energy. As for why they went crazy, the rabbit didn't know. It seems that since they woke up, All I know is to eat and eat." Pei Zheng pursed his lips and said to Luo Xiaran.

If you ask in this way, there is no big gain at all.And the rabbit didn't know how many mutated animals came to attack the city this time, and even the leading mutated animal didn't know who it was, as if it was driven by desire.

"That's it, let's forget it." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran frowned. In this way, crazy mutant animals seemed to be a sign of being infected with the zombie virus.Like humans, there are differences between zombies, supernatural beings, and ordinary people, and mutant animals also have the difference between crazy animals, mutant animals, and ordinary animals.

From this point of view, wood energy also plays a role in it.So can wood energy treat zombification?Luo Xiaran rubbed her fingers, boldly guessing in her heart.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran is not a researcher, and although there are already a group of researchers in the safe zone, it is impossible for Luo Xiaran to let others study her abilities.

What's more, Luo Xiaran's wood-type abilities have already mutated. Fortunately, there are still two wood-type abilities, Chu Jiang and Songsong, so it's better to experiment with small animals in the inn in the future.

After thinking about it in a mess, Luo Xiaran walked back to Jun Lie's side and said, "The animals below are all like lunatics, let's get rid of them all, so I can take this opportunity to find the leader. Let’s catch the thief and the king first.”

Since the other party can summon so many mutated animals to besiege the safe zone, if Luo Xiaran uses the wood-type power to awaken his mind, he wonders if he will know more about it.Moreover, the opponent's ability level is bound to be not low, even if it cannot be subdued, it is still possible to obtain energy cores.

"Well, it's ok. At that time, all the animals that are killed will be divided among the edible ones. Although there is still some time before the New Year, it can be considered as a New Year greeting for everyone. After the end of the world, I really haven't thought about the New Year." After Jun Lie heard the words, he nodded and said.

Because of the existence of Luo Xiaran, the development of the safe zone is considered easy. If this is the case, Jun Lie also hopes to give everyone more hope to live.And Chinese New Year is also a look forward to, isn't it?
 Scheduled release~ This story is purely fictitious~ The update is completed today~Thanks for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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