Chapter 629 Spiritual Connection
Perhaps because of the distribution of prey, or the expectations of the New Year, the survivors fought harder. Although the mutated fauna continued to flow, no one complained.

Seeing that everyone's battle didn't look too dangerous, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie decided to set off to find the leader hidden among the mutated animals.The rabbit that had recovered its sanity before was eliminated because it did not have the ability to awaken.

Just after Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran left the city, after the sound of 'rumbling', the snow wall built with snow and ice abilities was finally pushed down by the persistent mutant animals.

Fortunately, among the mutated animals, there are relatively few flying animals, so most of the mutated animals were once again blocked from the safe zone by the ditch.And the few mutated animals with wings were also dealt with by the long-range attacking supernatural beings standing on the city wall.

"It doesn't look like you are very capable, why don't you let people come down to fight?" Luo Xiaran asked Jun Lie while scanning the entire battle situation with mental power.

After all, I have been observing for a while. If there is a relatively strong combat power, the attack should have been launched long ago. So now it seems that although the number is relatively large, it generally does not cause too much damage to the survivors.

"Yes, yes." Hearing this, Jun Lie nodded in response while throwing fireballs at the mutated animals.

In fact, from Jun Lie's point of view, there was no need to observe before. If you can't survive even such a small situation, how can you face more unknown dangers in the future?You must know that the situation in the last days is ever-changing, even with Luo Xiaran, it is impossible to cover everything.

Seeing that Jun Lie had no objection, Luo Xiaran used her mental power to connect to Xiao Zhenyan, and told him the arrangement of opening the city gate and going out to fight.Luo Xiaran discovered this ability two days ago. She can use her mental power to connect to other people's brains, and then communicate directly spiritually.

Since it wasn't long before Luo Xiaran discovered the ability, she naturally experimented with Xiao Zhenyan, who also has psychic abilities.Fortunately, there is no danger, but considering that if I rashly communicate with other people in this way, it will cause mental turmoil in the other party, so apart from communicating with Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan like this, Luo Xiaran has never done this with anyone else .

What's more, this kind of mental power connection is also limited by distance and other aspects, and it consumes a lot of mental power, so Luo Xiaran will not use it often.

And Xiao Zhenyan, who got in touch, naturally began to order the survivors to go out of the city to fight.Because the ability user who just attacked from a long distance also consumed a lot, so the ability user in close combat will take the lead next.

With the experience of fighting against the zombie siege last time, even a randomly assembled team can become more in harmony with each other as the battle goes on.

What's more, everyone will not feel dirty in order to snatch supplies or crystal cores. They can completely trust the people behind them, and they will be even more powerful in battle.No matter how huge the base of mutated fauna is, as long as they work together, the survivors will have nothing to fear.

While the others were fighting, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were naturally not idle.Like a sharp knife, the two inserted straight into the mutated animal group, while attacking, while looking for the so-called leader...

 Regular release~Thanks for the support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ~
(End of this chapter)

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