Chapter 632 Just go back
I saw that the Persian cat that got the fish piece this time was not in a hurry to eat the fish. After hearing Luo Xiaran's words, the Persian cat stepped on the fish piece directly under its paws, tilting its head as if thinking.

Luo Xiaran didn't rush to urge her, but took out the tables and chairs from the system backpack, and sat with Jun Lie among the mutated animals to eat.Their celebration was only halfway through before, and Luo Xiaran was a little hungry after fighting for so long.

And because of the existence of Persian cats, although there were many crazy mutated animals, none of them dared to attack Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.What's more, Luo Xiaran was not defenseless. After she sat down, the mutated bitter grass was magnified.

Although the mutated bitter grass is a bit unaccustomed to the cold winter, as long as it is supported by Luo Xiaran's wood energy, the mutated bitter grass is enough to protect the safety of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

After waiting for about three to five minutes, the mutated dog, after eating all the meat and bones, gave way to the Persian cat's "meow meow meow", and the Persian cat came with graceful catwalks Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were about five meters apart, and finally squatted down again.

Luo Xiaran was eating a piece of sweet and sour fish at this time. After taking a look at the Persian cat, Luo Xiaran didn't look at the Persian cat until she finished eating the sweet and sour fish in her mouth, and then asked, "How is it? Decided to come with me?" Are you leaving?"

"Meow~" Hearing Luo Xiaran's question, the Persian cat barked as if answering.However, because Luo Xiaran couldn't understand the meaning of the Persian cat, and seeing that the Persian cat didn't show any signs of leaving, she made a decision as if it were a Persian cat.

Mental power glanced around, seeing that the group of mutated animals had been dealt with halfway, Luo Xiaran thought that the battle had already begun anyway, and the Persian cat didn't seem to care about the appearance of these mutated animals, and then said: "Then let us Let's go back after eating."

"Meow~" The Persian cat responded, seeing the mutated bitter grass withdraw its tentacles, and then the Persian cat came to the dining table with the fish pieces it hadn't eaten before.But this time, both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie saw it. It turned out that the Persian cat turned out to have a wind ability, but it was no wonder that it was so fast.

In about half an hour, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie finished the meals they had brought out, and then drank a cup of hawthorn tea to help digestion, and then put away their things and prepared to return to the base.

Seeing Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie standing up, the Persian cat naturally also stood up.Looking at the uneaten fish beside him, the Persian cat tilted its head, and then meowed a few more times at Luo Xiaran.

Even though there was no way to communicate, Luo Xiaran could still understand that the Persian cat wanted to help bring the fish pieces.With a slight smile, Luo Xiaran put away the fish pieces, and then walked towards the safe zone with Jun Lie.

The Persian cat led the mutated dogs and followed closely behind, like a queen traveling, walking gracefully on catwalks, but the speed was not a bit slower than Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, leaving a string of plum blossoms on the snow. like footprints.

Xiao Zhenyan, who was standing on the top of the tower directing the battle, noticed that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had brought back more than a dozen mutated animals. Watching King Kong and Pei Zheng go downstairs to join Jun Lie and the others.

 Timely release~ The meat pads of cats and dogs are very easy to touch~~~
(End of this chapter)

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