Chapter 633 Mimi
In fact, although the distance is relatively far, but because of the heavy snow that stopped for a while, Xiao Zhenyan naturally saw Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie eating on the battlefield through the binoculars.

However, because of the relaxed performance of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, Xiao Zhenyan was relieved a lot.After all, judging from the actions of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, it was certain that the siege of mutant animals this time was not as dangerous as imagined.

What's more, the Persian cat brought in by Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie was full of aura, and Xiao Zhenyan certainly felt that it was not a good thing.But those who can be brought back by the two of them will naturally not be in danger.

"Grandpa Pei, please help me to communicate, and ask why it brings mutant animals to besiege the safe zone, and what it knows about those mutant animals that have no sense." Luo Xiaran saw Pei Zheng He was carried down by King Kong, smiled at Pei Zheng and said.

And Pei Zheng knew his role very well, so before Luo Xiaran opened his mouth, he had King Kong put himself on the ground, and then came to the Persian cat with a gentle aura.

Fortunately, Persian cats can understand human beings, and Pei Zheng is just a gray-haired old man. Persian cats and mutant dogs don't think he is dangerous, so they let Pei Zheng approach.

Pei Zheng communicated with the Persian cat for about 10 minutes, then got up and said to Luo Xiaran, "The mutated animal besieged the city because of lack of food, and it was also its temptation to Xia Ran."

"According to what the Persian cat said, it brought a mutated dog and met you outside before, so after the food shortage in winter, the Persian cat took your idea."

"Previously, the Persian cat wanted to bring mutated animals to break through the defense of the safe zone and took you away. Later, seeing that the safe zone was not easy to break through, it ate your fish and meat, so it decided to come back with you."

"As for the mutated animals outside the city, it doesn't know much. Even it regained its sanity during the rainy season." Pei Zheng told the information he had exchanged with the Persian cat one by one. Luo Xiaran and others listened.

"Well, I didn't expect it to have seen me a long time ago. By the way, did Grandpa Pei ask what its name is?" Luo Xiaran touched her chin when she heard the words. In the past, when she went out, Luo Xiaran only paid attention to There are survivors and zombies, and they really haven't paid much attention to mutant animals.It seems that we have to be more careful in the future!

"I'm asking." Pei Zheng shook his head slightly, then squatted down again, and after hearing the Persian cat meow, Pei Zheng stood up and said, "It's called Mimi, and it seems to be a female cat. "

"Well, it's okay, and the number of mutated animals outside the city will not increase. Grandpa Pei can go back to rest, it's too cold outside." Luo Xiaran nodded, then looked at Mimi and said, "You want to follow me?" , or follow Grandpa Pei?"

Because all the mutated animals were handed over to Pei Zheng, Pei Zheng did not continue to live in the inn, but lived near the Lieyan mercenary group's garrison.Although there was a stable outside the inn, Black Mountain and other hounds already lived there, and the stable could not accommodate too many mutated animals.

"Meow~" Mimi yelled, then rubbed against Luo Xiaran's leg, then walked over to Pei Zheng's face and continued to meow a few times.

"Mimi said she wanted to come with me, but she wanted fish pieces and meat bones." Pei Zheng translated with a smile.As for animals, no matter they are big or small, Pei Zheng likes them very much, so he naturally welcomes Mimi to live with him.

 Regular release~ It seems that many cats are called Mimi, hahaha, the name is useless, let’s just pick it up~
(End of this chapter)

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