Chapter 637
It was thought that with the "lessons learned from the past" of energy conversion by crystal nuclei, researchers such as Mu Maode would soon be able to develop crystal nuclei weapons.But it turned out that Luo Xiaran took scientific research and development too simply. In the next two months, there was no good news from Mu Maode.

Seeing that only the last half month of winter is left, the heavy snow on the roof begins to melt.Luo Xiaran frowned, it's best to take the previous things and send them to Mu Maode's research institute.

Since there is no progress in the research of nuclear weapons, it is better to study something else. Anyway, as long as Mu Maode and other researchers are not idle, Luo Xiaran's investment is not in vain.

While the researchers were busy, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also began to prepare for their trip in half a month.Although the heavy rain in the rainy season is a bit annoying, but the rainy season is the time when mutated plants grow, and there may be unexpected joys.

As for Dongfang Kang'an, Luo Xiaran certainly wouldn't leave him behind.In the third month of the cold winter, Dongfang Kang'an has successfully advanced to the fifth-level wind ability. Although there may be light bulbs on the road, it will definitely not be a hindrance.

Of course, Luo Xiaran actually studied some Chinese medicinal materials in the cold winter. Although most of them are relatively common, they are no longer ignorant of Chinese medicinal materials.

It's just that before the trip, Luo Xiaran still needs to make arrangements for several inns.Not just supplementary supplies, but also several safe areas where the inn is located. After all, it has a cooperative relationship with Luo Xiaran, and Luo Xiaran must always care about it.

Fortunately, several other safe areas did not encounter the siege of mutated animals, so although the cold winter was also damaged, it did not hurt the bones, and even managed better.

But if you think about it, as long as you have a crystal core, you can exchange for supplies from the inn. As long as you are not a lazy person, greedy for life and afraid of death, you will naturally have a head. If someone manages, life will be better, of course. There are not so many blind people who want to fight for power and profit.

What's more, as the several managers of the safe zone, they are all powerful existences, especially Gu Yiru, the N city base is basically a one-word hall built by himself, of course there will be no problem.

After confirming that there were no problems in several safe areas and inns, Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie, and Dongfang Kang'an began to study the next itinerary.Since we want to find wild medicinal materials, of course we have to go to the mountains.The northern province also has mountains belonging to the northern province, but entering the mountains is not so easy.

First of all, the roads in the mountains are slippery during the rainy season, and it is easy to enter the mountains and difficult to get out. If you get lost inside, even with Luo Xiaran, a psychic, it may not be so easy to get out.

There are many roads to enter the mountains of Northern Province. They can go from Province J, Province L, or Province H. Considering that they are in Province L now, they naturally have to take the same road in Province L.

Dongfang Kang'an had also been to the Northern Province Mountains before the end of the world, but at that time Dongfang Kang'an followed the team of ginseng collectors to enter the Northern Province Mountains, and he went to J City, so Dongfang Kang'an didn't have much to say about it. Offer to help.

Fortunately, after unremitting efforts, the hacker Ren Bo has successfully contacted the satellites outside the planet, so he quickly solved this troublesome problem for them...

 Scheduled release~╮(╯▽╰)╭Every day is troublesome~
(End of this chapter)

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