Chapter 638 Journey
When it comes to satellites, I have to say Ren Bo's patience.Because many satellites outside the planet were destroyed by meteorites before, fortunately there are only a few left. After two years of unremitting contact by Ren Bo, he finally broke through many obstacles and can use one or two.

It's a pity that computers use light energy to generate electricity, so the time they can use each day is limited.What's more, because of the haze in the sky that hasn't dissipated for two years, even if the satellite is connected, the signal is still intermittent.

It took Ren Bo three days of hard work to download the current situation of the mountains in the northern province through satellites, and finally handed over a large stack of printed satellite maps to Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.With the satellite map, they can at least guarantee that they can get out in the end by calculating what happened in the mountains of Bei Province.

It's a pity that the situation of the computer is more complicated, and there are various chips in it, so that it is not so easy for researchers such as Mu Maode to modify it.After all, as long as there is a slight error, the chip software in the computer will become broken, and naturally there is no way to use it.

So although Luo Xiaran carried a few fully charged laptops with her, she didn't have much hope for it.If something really went wrong in the mountains of Bei Province, it is estimated that there is no way to get in touch with Ren Bo through the satellite.

After half a month of preparation, Luo Xiaran took a backpack full of supplies, and embarked on a journey to find wild mutant medicinal materials with Jun Lie and Dongfang Kang'an.

Along with him is Songsong, a mutated wood squirrel. After all, mutated animals are more popular in the mountains, aren't they?What's more, if Luo Xiaran encounters any powerful mutant animals at that time, even if Luo Xiaran can't communicate with them, at least Songsong can help them get around.Even if there is no way to subdue it, just don't be an enemy.

Because there were only three of them along the way, they traveled in the caravan they brought back from the villa area.Dongfang Kang'an was naturally the driver first, but after that, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie will take turns driving.

After the heavy snow melted completely, a lot of water was left on the potholed road.Due to the uneven road surface, even a high-end RV seemed a little bumpy.

Sitting in the bedroom behind the caravan, both Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran were practicing hard. At this time, after five months of cold winter, both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were about to advance to supernatural powers.

Since the energy required for the impact to advance is even greater, both of them are absorbing the crystal nucleus all the time.If it wasn't for the meteorites that would attract the attention of zombies and mutated animals, Luo Xiaran really wanted to take out the meteorites and use them.

It wasn't until Dongfang Kang'an, who was driving, became hungry that the RV driving at a constant speed stopped.And Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also ended their cultivation the moment the caravan stopped.

Looking at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. After thinking about it in her heart, Luo Xiaran ate the prepared meals brought out from the inn and Dong Qing at noon.Although Luo Xiaran doesn't know how to cook, it's important to hurry now, isn't it?
For lunch, they ate beef brisket stewed with tomatoes and potatoes. They used the potatoes and tomatoes produced by Luo Xiaran, as well as the brisket of mutated beef, so two bowls for each person filled their stomachs.

"Thanks for your hard work. You can rest in the car in the afternoon, and you will be on vigil at night." After lunch, Luo Xiaran said to Dongfang Kang'an, and accompanied Jun Lie to the passenger seat in front of the RV.

 Timely release~ Ha, spit bitterness seems to be spreading negative energy to everyone~ But as a house girl with no friends, I can only chatter with you here~
(End of this chapter)

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