Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 642 What's the problem

Chapter 642 What's the problem

"Then thank you Miss Luo for your kindness." After Wan Qing solemnly thanked the three of them, they had lunch with them.Although it may be a very simple meal for the three of Luo Xiaran, it is too rich for Wan Qing who has been drinking blood for a long time.

After being dropped by the team, Wan Qing didn't know how many days he had been in a coma.Fortunately, the place where he was thrown was relatively remote, otherwise he might have died in the mouth of zombies or mutant animals long ago.

Then step by step onto the highway, Wan Qing was often hungry.The best time is when you are attacked by a mutated animal, and then use the mutated animal to satisfy your hunger.It's a pity that Wan Qing doesn't have a fire-type ability, and he can't find a tool to raise the fire, so the prey he catches is basically eaten alive, and he just eats it.

Due to the end of the cold winter, there was very little meat on the mutated animals, so before the arrival of the three of Luo Xiaran, Wan Qing had been hungry for a few days, and the last bit of clean water in the service area was also available in two hours. Wanqing drank it up a few days ago.

It can be said that if he hadn't met the three of Luo Xiaran today, Wan Qing would have run out of ammunition and food.Although plants have gradually grown outside the service area, Wan Qing would rather go hungry than eat wild vegetables when thinking of the torture he suffered when picking wild vegetables for the first time.

What's more, Wan Qing has already planned to go to the next city. Now that he has obtained the supernatural power, even if the city is full of dangers, at least he can find something to eat, so that he won't starve to death.

For Wan Qing's gratitude, the three of Luo Xiaran naturally saw it clearly.But Luo Xiaran was just doing a small thing casually, so she didn't care that much.

After the four of them finished their lunch, Luo Xiaran noticed that Songsong, who usually likes to eat pine nuts very much, didn't have the slightest appetite at this time. He just squatted on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

It seems that Songsong's problem has nothing to do with Wan Qing, after all, Songsong's mood has calmed down a lot now.So what is the problem?Could there be any danger?
Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran's eyes changed, and then he opened up his energy and scanned the farmland around the service area.Although some flexible mutated plants were found, there was no other dangerous situation.

Well, what the hell is going on?Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental power in confusion, looked at Wan Qing and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Wan's plans are going to be. It's not a good choice to stay here."

"I also know that it's not safe to stay. But even if the car in the service area can drive, I can't move even if I don't have gasoline." Wan Qing said with a frown.Although I knew that Luo Xiaran and the others must have brought gasoline, but now that fuel is a scarce resource, Wan Qing naturally couldn't speak.

Luo Xiaran has a good sense of Wan Qing, not to mention being able to live outside alone, she must be quite capable, so Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, and then said: "We have established a safe zone in S City, if Wan Qing If the master's ability is good, maybe I can lend some gasoline to Mr. Wan."

Anyway, now you can communicate with the safe zone at any time on the road, and even if Wan Qing deceived Luo Xiaran and ran away with gasoline, it would not be a big loss for Luo Xiaran.

(End of this chapter)

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