Chapter 643 Gravity Ability
After frowning for a long time, Wan Qing finally said: "My ability is related to gravity. I can change the gravity within a diameter of about 100 meters, but I can only last for half an hour."

Wan Qing didn't notice it when she first awakened the power. It was only when she encountered a vicious mutant animal that Wan Qing accidentally crushed the mutant animal to death with the power.

Since then, Wan Qing has explored by herself, and finally determined that she can change the gravity around her at will.Not only that, but gravity also has an effect on himself, as long as Wan Qing casts his supernatural ability, he can change his own gravity and fly, otherwise he wouldn't even think about going to the next city.

It's a pity that Wanqing's current ability level is relatively low, and his persistence time is relatively short, so Wanqing still needs a car that is strong enough to travel, otherwise he will lose his ability on the way, and he can only be slaughtered.

"Gravity ability?" Luo Xiaran's eyes flashed a little surprise, she didn't expect to go out casually, and she picked up another rare ability.You must know that the gravity ability has been very powerful since the early days, so it is no wonder that Wan Qing can survive in this service area alone.

"If Mr. Wan has no objections, Mr. Wan is very welcome to join our safe zone. Crystal cores can be exchanged for supplies in the safe zone. I think Mr. Wan can get a good life in the safe zone."

"But everyone has their own ambitions. If Mr. Wan doesn't want to live in our safe zone, he can use the crystal nucleus to pay for gasoline. The crystal nucleus is what exists in the zombie's brain. I don't know if Mr. Wan has it now." Luo Xiaran Although he is thirsty for talent, he will not force it on others. After all, no matter how you look at it, Wan Qing is a man with his own opinions.

After listening to Luo Xiaran's narration, Wan Qing's heart fluttered.However, just to be on the safe side, Wan Qing still asked: "I don't know where the safe zone Miss Luo mentioned is. I am alone, so I may not be able to reach it. As for the crystal nucleus, I don't have one. I was not a supernatural person before. , so the crystal nuclei are used by other supernatural beings."

Because the Lieyan mercenary group traded zombie crystal cores around S City, the method of using zombie crystal cores has long been discovered.It's just that Wan Qing didn't expect to be betrayed before, so the crystal nuclei harvested were handed over to the supernatural beings in the team to improve their supernatural powers.

As for the beast core obtained recently, Wan Qing actually absorbed it by himself.It's just that after absorbing the beast core, Wan Qing also found that his emotions began to become unstable. Fortunately, there were not many beast cores obtained, so after Wan Qing knew that there would be harm, it was of course impossible for Wan Qing to continue sitting down. up.

It's just that there are very few zombies in the service area, so Wan Qing has no way to obtain the zombie crystal core.So after thinking about it, Wan Qing decided to go to the safe zone that Luo Xiaran said.After all, the distance from here to City S is not too far away. As long as he can find food, Wan Qing is sure that he can reach the safe zone.

"The safe zone is in Anping District. In fact, we have cleared almost all the zombies in City S. There will be no large-scale concentrated zombie groups, so Mr. Wan can go there without worry. And if you encounter a team on the road, Mr. Wan can also use Most of the traveling teams will bring some extra supplies with them to exchange crystal cores with them." Luo Xiaran explained with a smile.

Due to the siege of zombies and mutated animals, the pockets of the entire safety zone are relatively sufficient, and Luo Xiaran is not worried that Wan Qing will starve to death on the road.After all, as soon as the cold winter is over, the team in the safe zone will start hunting zombies or mutant animals again.

 Scheduled release~ The book of the inn is estimated to be completed at the end of next month, and there should be more than 90, but the specific situation will have to be written until the end~
(End of this chapter)

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