Chapter 654

If it was someone else, it would be impossible for Luo Xiaran to give such a high price, but considering that it was Lin Zengang who led them into the base after all, and since Lin Zengang could produce the century-old wild ginseng, the traditional Chinese medicine mentioned earlier The material is probably real, not to mention that it may be useful when Lin Zengang is in the future, so Luo Xiaran gave a relatively high price.

After hearing the price given by Luo Xiaran, Lin Zenggang also knew that it was impossible for anyone to offer a higher price.It's a pity that he was able to auction 300 million wild ginseng before the end of the world. Lin Zenggang nodded his head feeling very difficult while feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

"The medicinal materials in Mr. Lin's hands, or whoever Mr. Lin knows has good Chinese medicinal materials, can be exchanged for food with me. Although the taste of miscellaneous grains is not as good as white flour and rice, at least it won't make people hungry. Seeing that Lin Zeng had just agreed to the deal, Luo Xiaran put away a hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and took out a full jumbo bag from the system backpack.

In order to facilitate the transaction, Luo Xiaran asked the waiter and the cook to help the embroiderer to make a lot of sacks, there are one hundred catties, two hundred catties and five hundred catties, and they can be counted directly when trading, saving money A lot of time.

Lin Zenggang took out a dagger and poked holes in the top, middle and bottom of the sack to confirm that the miscellaneous grains inside were not the kind that had been moldy and spoiled after being stored for a long time, and then asked Jia Jing to find someone to remove the miscellaneous grains. Send it to the kitchen.

This bag of two hundred catties of miscellaneous grains is enough for dozens of them to save money for more than a week if they make porridge.And if it is made into steamed buns, pancakes and the like to exchange with other people for grains mixed with rice bran, it is estimated that it can be doubled several times.

Because he knew in his heart that he had taken advantage of Luo Xiaran, Lin Zeng felt a little embarrassed and said: "My medicinal materials are all in the company, and the location of the company is a bit far away. If you don't mind, you can buy it in After waiting at home for three or two days, I will go and bring back the medicinal materials myself."

"Well, it's okay, we'll be with Mr. Lin then, and it will save you the trouble of moving around." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran said with a smile.There are a lot of people who run medicinal material companies here, maybe they can get some medicinal materials back by the way.I just don't know if they are all ownerless things, or if someone finds out, it will not look good.

"Well, why not leave early tomorrow morning." Anyway, everything for the trip has been prepared. If it hadn't been for Luo Xiaran and the others, they would have already started to walk to the next city.

"Then please trouble Mr. Lin. If there are any medicinal materials around there, please tell Mr. Lin a little bit more. Let's go to the flea market now?" Luo Xiaran nodded and said.Although she had traveled for a few days, Luo Xiaran didn't feel too tired. If she got the medicinal materials as soon as possible, she could feel at ease as soon as possible, wouldn't she?

"Okay, okay. If you go to the flea market now, you should be able to find some good things." Lin Zengang smiled when he heard this, and said something to Jia Jing in a low voice, and then led Luo Xiaran to wait. People walked outside the villa.

Since the flea market is not a big place, it is just a square for the construction of a new countryside, so in order to avoid traffic congestion, when the flea market is open, the participating survivors will not drive there.What's more, there will not be any large-scale transactions in the flea market. After all, it is not so safe in the public.

(End of this chapter)

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