Chapter 655 The Flea Market
After walking for about 10 minutes, a lot of survivors started to appear around.Occasionally, someone noticed Lin Zenggang and would say hello to him, but their eyes were more curious about Luo Xiaran and the other three.

After passing through a villa, the four of them suddenly opened up.The so-called flea market is just a place for the elderly and children to exercise or play around before the end of the world.

So the flea market is not too big, and there are not many people who set up stalls, and most of the people who come to the flea market do not come to barter, but just want to come out and do some activities to relieve the pressure brought by the end of the world. .

As for the three of Luo Xiaran who appeared with their backpacks on their backs, let alone their clean images, those three bulging backpacks were enough to attract everyone's attention.

It's just that the three of Luo Xiaran didn't intend to set up a stall, but followed Lin Zengang around in front of each stall, so although they were eye-catching, no one would rush to talk to the three of them.

After walking around the flea market, Luo Xiaran didn't see anything worth exchanging, after pursing her lips, Luo Xiaran asked in a low voice: "If you set up a stall here, what are your requirements? Or can it be exchanged for anything?"

"If you set up a stall, you need to pay some supplies. There is no requirement for exchange, as long as you don't buy or sell by force. Mr. Lei lives in the building next to the flea market. If someone makes trouble here, Mr. Lei will quickly You will know." Lin Zengang replied after hearing the words.

"Well, that's good. Next, I want to set up a stall here for a day. If Mr. Lin has something to do, he can do his own work first." Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Although I don't know what the status of the crystal nucleus in the P city base is, but if it is exchanged for grain, sooner or later someone will care.And since Lin Zengang is able to carry wild ginseng with a hundred years, maybe other people in the base also carry it?
"Well, then I'll go back first, and help Miss Luo contact someone who may still have the medicinal materials." Lin Zeng knew that Luo Xiaran had his own plans as soon as he heard it, so he turned and left very smartly.If he helped Luo Xiaran contact someone with medicinal materials, Luo Xiaran wouldn't let him suffer.

After Lin Zenggang left, Luo Xiaran first found the man who was sitting at the door of Lei Lifan's villa that Lin Zengang said was holding a table.This is a middle-aged man in his forties, who seems to have troubled legs and feet, sitting there and paying attention to the situation of the flea market all the time.

After careful inquiry, Luo Xiaran handed half a pack of biscuits that were about to expire to the man, and then, with the guidance of a young man, came to the stall in the center of the flea market.

Pretentiously, he took out a pen, paper and cardboard from the mountaineering bag, and after writing a few big characters on it, Luo Xiaran threw a picnic cloth, and the three of them sat down carelessly.

What I saw was written on the cardboard: "Unlimited crystallization core, Chinese medicinal materials."

The appearance of the three of Luo Xiaran was very eye-catching, so after Luo Xiaran set up a stall, many people gathered around and asked questions.When they learned that crystal nuclei and medicinal materials could be exchanged for food and drinking water, most people remained skeptical.

After all, food is very scarce now. Although crystal nuclei are very powerful, few people use food in exchange for it. What's more, Chinese medicinal materials are useless in the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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