Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 659 The danger is too high

Chapter 659 The danger is too high

"Open a shop? There are places, but does Miss Luo plan to stay in City P?" Lei Lifan looked at Luo Xiaran suspiciously and asked in confusion.Luo Xiaran's store is naturally related to supplies, but the problem is that there is also a distance between P City and S City, not to mention the inconvenience of travel in the last days, so it is even more suspicious.

"Haha, the secret must not be leaked, so let me keep it a secret. But as long as I open a store, there will be no shortage of food in the P city base." Luo Xiaran laughed, and then said confidently .

In fact, for a man like Lei Lifan, no matter how much you say, he will remain skeptical, so it's better to just open an inn and let Lei Lifan experience it for himself.

"Is that so, well then, I still have an empty courtyard at the flea market. If Miss Luo doesn't mind, I can just use it." Seeing that Luo Xiaran didn't want to say more, Lei Lifan also Don't ask any more questions.

After all, the store is located in his territory, so there will be opportunities to check it in the future.What's more, if it is really what Luo Xiaran said, then it will be the best thing for him and the whole base.

"It's so embarrassing, just treat it as if I bought it. Mr. Lei, let's see how much material you can give. We will have frequent exchanges in the future. It's not good to take too much advantage of Mr. Lei." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran smiled. , said in refusal.

The brothers settled accounts clearly, not to mention that this is still Lei Lifan's territory, Luo Xiaran must be more careful.Besides, she will have a lot of dealings with Lei Lifan in the future, and the debt of favor is not so easy to repay.

"Okay then, Miss Luo will just give me some food." Lei Lifan originally wanted to sell Luo Xiaran a favor, but Luo Xiaran's rejection was expected, so he didn't continue to dwell on this issue. go down.

"By the way, I don't know how much Mr. Lei knows about mutated plants. We came this time to go to the mountains of Northern Province to collect mutated medicinal materials. And I don't think City P hunted and killed mutated animals. Could it be that Mr. Lei doesn't know about mutated animals? Can meat be eaten too?" Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and asked.

It stands to reason that the base in City P is close to the mountains of Northern Province, so there should be a lot of mutated animals.But Lei Lifan's food didn't contain any meat, but it had been more than a year since the mutated animals appeared, so it was absolutely impossible that they hadn't eaten them yet.

"There are indeed mutated animals, but they are basically wild mutated animals. They are not easy to hunt. They are too dangerous and time-consuming. Therefore, most teams will not deliberately hunt and kill mutated animals." Lei Lifan's eyes flashed when he heard this. A trace of helplessness opened the mouth and said.

Despite the large population of survivors in the P city base, it would not be a problem to form a team to hunt down the zombies. The intelligence of mutated animals is much higher than that of the zombies. Lei Lifan didn't want the survivors to take risks just to eat meat.

After hearing Lei Lifan's words, Luo Xiaran naturally thought of the difference between mutant animals in the city and wild mutant animals.It seems that the mutated animals in the Northern Province Mountain Range are not so easy to deal with. Fortunately, the three of them did not enter the Northern Province Mountain Range rashly, otherwise we don't know what happened now.

"I do know a little bit about mutated plants. If the three of you want to enter the mountains, I don't recommend it. I think that only Mr. Dongfang can be responsible for collecting herbs among the three. If this is the case, it will waste too much time and is not worth it." " Lei Lifan frowned, and suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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