Chapter 660 Siheyuan

"I really didn't think carefully before, but now there is Mr. Lei. At that time, my store will issue a wireless collection of medicinal materials. As long as Mr. Lei doesn't mind, someone should help find the medicinal materials." Hearing this, Luo Xia Ran thankfully smiled at Lei Lifan and said.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.Luo Xiaran believed that even Lei Lifan would not be able to refuse this task.After all, don't forget that Lei Lifan and the entire base in P City are short of food.

And Luo Xiaran may lack everything, except food.Besides, some medicinal materials do not need to go to the depths of the mountains at all, to starve the timid to death the bold and timid. As long as Lei Lifan doesn't stop them, there will definitely be many people who will take risks for stuttering.

"Of course I don't mind. But can Ms. Luo really guarantee enough food?" There are about [-] survivors in the base, and even if only [-] people go out to find medicinal materials, it is estimated that they will need to exchange them at that time There is also a lot of food, and there is no way to grow it now, so where does Luo Xiaran's food come from?
"Mr. Lei doesn't need to worry about this matter. I forgot to tell Mr. Lei that I am a wood-type supernatural being. As long as I have seeds and crystal nuclei, food is not a problem at all. If Mr. Lei has medicinal seeds, he can also sell them to me." While talking, Luo Xiaran took out a handful of soybeans from the system backpack, and in just a few seconds, the soybeans grew into soybean seedlings ten centimeters high under the urging of the wood-type ability.

"So that's how it is. Ms. Luo's ability is really powerful." Lei Lifan said after a long while looking at the soybean sprouts on the table in a daze.

It would be great if they could have a wood-type supernatural being like Luo Xiaran in P City. After all, P City grows medicinal materials for a living, but it doesn't completely stop growing food, right?It's a pity that because the seeds couldn't take root and germinate in the land before, most of the high-quality seeds have been eaten up as food.

"It's getting late. Tomorrow morning, we are going to go out of the city with Mr. Lin Zenggang to fetch medicinal materials. Why don't we go and see the house now." Seeing Lei Lifan's face changing back and forth, Luo Xiaran felt very funny.

Compared with the few collaborators he met before, Lei Lifan is probably the most unable to control his expression.But probably it was Lei Lifan like this who shouldered the life and death of the survivors of the entire base.

"Okay, then let's go there now. This is the key to the courtyard house. The basic layout is similar to mine, so I will hand it over to Miss Luo directly." Lei Lifan rummaged through the drawer of the TV cabinet, and then took a The bunch of keys was handed to Luo Xiaran and said.

With Lei Lifan around, everyone in the flea market outside looked curiously, but their eyes were dark. After all, although they didn't know the identities of Luo Xiaran and others, Lei Lifan was not just there for the sake of looking good, right?

After opening the courtyard and entering, I found that it was indeed similar to the courtyard that Lei Lifan lived in.However, it may be because no one has lived in it before, so it was only roughly painted, and the floor tiles were not even laid.

Fortunately, although the dust was everywhere, it had no effect on Luo Xiaran, so after looking around for a while, Luo Xiaran decided to set up a branch of the inn here.Anyway, the secrets of the inn can't be peeped by outsiders, and this place is close to the flea market, so people come and go, so they can be noticed soon.

And now, it's time to discuss the price with Lei Lifan...

 Timely release~666~haha, I am 6~
(End of this chapter)

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