Chapter 661 Daughter Tongtong
The four of them locked the gate of the courtyard again, and after returning to Lei Lifan's home, Luo Xiaran began to ask Lei Lifan what he wanted.

As far as Lei Lifan is concerned, this courtyard is empty anyway, and now being able to make friends with Luo Xiaran has already achieved his goal, so he doesn't care about the price.

After Luo Xiaran frowned and thought for a while, she suddenly thought of the little girl from before.Children are the most difficult to survive in the last days, and the little girl in Lei Lifan's family doesn't know what the relationship is with Lei Lifan, but at least I can be sure that Lei Lifan cares about the little girl very much, otherwise he wouldn't bring him with him. Not around.

Since the last time I met Persian cat Mimi, I didn’t bring pet toys or pet food with me. Luo Xiaran prepared everything for this appearance, so even if it is a one or two-year-old child’s food and clothing , and can also be found in the system backpack.

Since Lei Lifan doesn't know what he wants, then the food and clothing of these children should also be what Lei Lifan needs.Although infants and young children may also have supernatural powers after the end of the world, the chances are very small, and they need to be taken care of.

"I have some infant milk powder and clothes here, why don't we just give Mr. Lei these things? There are also some children's medicines." While talking, Luo Xiaran noticed the light in Lei Lifan's eyes, and knew in her heart that she had chosen the right one something.

From the system backpack, I took out a metal box half as tall as a person, and then took out three cans of infant milk powder, and then out of it, children's clothes from one to two years old to about ten years old, all in spring, summer, autumn and winter, one by one. Put it on the coffee table.

"I thank Miss Luo on behalf of my daughter Tongtong." Lei Lifan touched the milk powder jar excitedly, and said gratefully to Luo Xiaran.Since his wife died of bleeding during childbirth, his daughter has been eating milk powder. Unfortunately, it is not easy to obtain milk powder after the apocalypse. Now her daughter can only drink rice soup, which makes Lei Lifan very worried.

Due to lack of nutrition, her daughter is still unable to speak at the age of two and a half. Lei Lifan is really worried about whether her daughter will have any physical defects.Although Lei Lifan doesn't dislike his daughter, he also feels sorry for her daughter's future life.

"Mr. Lei, you don't have to be polite. If you need it in the future, you can go to my store to exchange some goat's milk." Luo Xiaran did not expect that the little girl would be Lei Lifan's own daughter before, but this is better. Lei Lifan loves his daughter so much, so he will not easily have any bad thoughts about her inn.

"Okay, thank you Miss Luo." As a smart person, Lei Lifan would not ask Luo Xiaran where the goat's milk came from.Besides, mutated animals have appeared, and it is not impossible to domesticate mutated animals.

"It's getting late, so don't bother Mr. Lei. The shop will probably be ready in a few days. Please take care of Mr. Lei then." Luo Xiaran got up and said goodbye to Lei Lifan.

Although the inn can be built overnight, the problem is that the inn does not provide employees who can distinguish the medicinal materials and quality, so this problem needs to be solved by Luo Xiaran himself.

But fortunately, I have collected a lot of books on Chinese herbal medicines before, and if the shopkeeper can learn them, and Dongfang Kang'an can guide me, I should be able to solve this problem soon.After all, the staff in the inn have very high IQs, and they are not asked to see a doctor, so it is definitely not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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