Chapter 665 66 kinds
After more than ten minutes, as zombies gradually surrounded him, the other party finally opened the first lock.In fact, if it was Luo Xiaran and the others, they would probably dismantle it violently.

But who told this to be someone else's property? As the master, Lei Lifan probably wanted to use it after the end of the world.Luo Xiaran touched Songsong's head while watching him nibbling chestnuts.

Leading by Lei Lifan and others, followed by Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, the group entered the warehouse.Since those who stayed at the door quickly closed the warehouse door, leaving only the zombies and Lin Zengang's team that were gradually increasing outside.

Because the warehouses are designed with vents, the air in the warehouse has no peculiar smell and is dry without moisture.In the warehouse, there are neat rows of shelves filled with densely packed snakeskin pockets. Inside the pockets is the purpose of Luo Xiaran's trip.

The snakeskin pocket has a very good waterproof and moisturizing effect, so after cutting open a bag with a knife, Luo Xiaran reached out and kneaded it, and found that the medicinal materials remained in the shape of being crushed by hand.

Sure enough, she couldn't bear to let the child fall for the wolf, Luo Xiaran was feeling in her heart that Lei Lifan was willing to pay a lot of money for the equipment so that the medicinal materials were preserved intact, and said to Lei Lifan: "Mr. Lei knows what's inside. How many medicinal materials are there in total? If there are any, I will just put them away."

"Most of the Chinese herbal medicines in this warehouse have the effect of stopping bleeding. The common ones are notoginseng, big thistle, small thistle, mugwort leaf, burnet, lotus root, and rhizome of rhizome. There are about 66 kinds. The specific number should be nearly one Ton." Lei Lifan frowned slightly, and said after thinking for a moment.

After all, two years have passed, so Lei Lifan really can't remember exactly what happened.What's more, there are many kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, and Lei Lifan has just received a lot of goods, so there is no way to say the exact quantity.

"Well, if Mr. Lei doesn't mind, how about we weigh them one by one when I take them back?" Seeing this, Luo Xiaran nodded and asked.

I didn't expect that there were so many hemostatic medicinal materials in the first warehouse. If Dongfang Kang'an could give a few hemostatic prescriptions, whether they were made into powder or soup, they would be of great use at that time.

"Okay, Miss Luo can do whatever she wants." Lei Lifan said with a smile when he heard this.He didn't think Luo Xiaran would play tricks on the quantity, not to mention that they were not a one-shot deal.Luo Xiaran built such an inn overnight, so she wouldn't spend such a large amount of money just to cheat him.

"Okay, then I'll put it away." Because the system backpack has been cleaned up before, and Lei Lifan's medicinal materials are all neatly prepared, so even though there are a lot of them, Luo Xiaran has finished collecting a warehouse The total time spent is less than 10 minutes, but it is just a walk from beginning to end.

Everyone was naturally very surprised by Luo Xiaran's actions, but Lin Zenggang and others were dealing with zombies outside the warehouse, and they had to go to other places, so in order to avoid wasting time, after discussing something Let's talk about it when we get back to base.What's more, you can't discuss it in front of Luo Xiaran.

Because of the human breath, after opening the warehouse door, they noticed that Lin Zenggang and others had already dealt with hundreds of zombies, so the group speeded up.

 Scheduled release~ I started to check my brother's winter vacation homework, my head hurts~ What a waste of time~
(End of this chapter)

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