Chapter 666
Probably because of the experience of the first lock, so the dismantling of the door lock in the warehouse also saved a lot of time.Naturally, Luo Xiaran didn't ask about the medicinal materials, and put away all of them in a blunt manner.

If Lei Lifan hadn't been watching, even Luo Xiaran wouldn't have let go of those shelves. After all, Jun Lie's metal ability was also very short of metal things.

In an hour, Luo Xiaran collected all the medicinal materials in Lei Lifan's five warehouses, occupying a full five grids. Luo Xiaran roughly estimated that there should be several tons of medicinal materials, but I don't know how many can be used. .

And after getting Lei Lifan's medicinal materials, he naturally had to go to Lin Zenggang's side.Compared with Lei Lifan's wealth and wealth, Lin Zenggang's small company is relatively remote.

Although it is still produced on the same street as Lei Lifan's Lei's Medicine, it is a pity that one is in the middle and the other is at the end, and there is only one warehouse.

The door lock is a common large iron lock, with heavy iron chains wrapped around it.Fortunately, Lin Zenggang had the key with him, so he solved the problem of the door in a few seconds, and opened the door for everyone to walk in.

Compared with Lei Lifan's medicinal material warehouse, Lin Zenggang's medicinal material warehouse was similar in size, but the music in the air had a musty smell, which made Luo Xiaran frowned slightly.

Fortunately, Lin Zenggang's medicinal materials also use snakeskin bags, and the outer packaging is different from Lei Lifan's snakeskin bags, so everyone is not worried about whether they will be confused.

"All my medicinal materials are here. When the weather is good, I open the door a little bit to ventilate, and throw out the broken ones, so all the leftovers can be used." Lin Zenggang probably because of the previous After seeing Lei Lifan's warehouse, Wei Wei spoke with some embarrassment.

"Well, no problem, what is the specific situation, I will ask Mr. Dongfang to check it when I bring it back." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran smiled at Lin Zengang comfortingly, and then began to collect snake skins on the shelves bag.

While Luo Xiaran was walking around, Lin Zenggang continued to say: "I have some common health-care medicinal materials here, which are usually supplied to pharmacy restaurants and the like. The more expensive medicinal materials have just been shipped out before the end of the world, and the rest There are not many medicinal materials."

"It's not bad, it can be used to make soup to nourish the body in the future. Alright, now everyone is going back to the base, or should I look around to see if there are other medicinal materials that can be used?" After collecting all the medicinal materials, Luo Xiaran walked back to Jun Lie's side, looking at the two teams of Lei Lifan and Lin Zenggang.

Then he continued: "It's better than this. I'll hire two teams to help me find medicinal materials. After we find them, we'll open [-]. How about I bring them back for everyone? Other materials are also available~"

"Okay, then please trouble Miss Luo." Lei Lifan thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.Although they have led teams out in the past, but without spatial power users, naturally there are not so many things to bring back.If Luo Xiaran helps, can they bring back more daily necessities and the like.

Immediately after, Lin Zenggang also nodded in agreement.Lin Zenggang is naturally short of supplies, not to mention that he doesn't have many medicinal materials. If he can collect more, he can exchange more food with Luo Xiaran, right?
It can be said that the medicinal materials will be delivered to the door as soon as you talk, and seeing that the two teams have agreed, Luo Xiaran smiled and Yan Yan took Jun Lie's hand and exited the warehouse with everyone.

 Scheduled release~ I was typing in the small black room, and then suddenly got stuck, I had to restart the computer, feeling overwhelmed, fortunately, the manuscript will be saved automatically, otherwise I will cry~
(End of this chapter)

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