Chapter 668
After lunch, after a short break, more than 100 people arrived at the commercial street.The group of people kept busy until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and then reluctantly set off for the direction of the base.

After all, with Luo Xiaran, a spatial ability user, no matter how many things they want, they can hand them over to Luo Xiaran to carry them. This kind of convenience makes them want to scratch the ground.

The convoy arrived at the gate of the base, and after the guards at the gate checked that there were no wounds on their bodies, everyone drove to Luo Xiaran's inn, ready to divide the spoils.

And Dongfang Kang'an, who taught the shopkeeper for a day, saw that everyone was in a very happy mood, and knew that he must have gained a lot.

But teaching the shopkeeper, Dongfang Kang'an didn't feel bored, who made the shopkeeper's IQ extremely high, and mastered a lot of medicinal materials in a day, which made Dongfang Kang'an feel like wanting to compete with Luo Xiaran. .

It's a pity that Dongfang Kang'an can only think about it in his heart. He knows very well that it is impossible for Luo Xiaran to let a rare talent like the shopkeeper follow him.

Hey, a lot of age finally fell in love with a candidate for apprentice, but there was no way to get him by his side. One can imagine that the depression in Dongfang Kang'an's heart could not be relieved no matter what.

Luo Xiaran knew nothing about Dongfang Kang'an's thoughts.Due to the large amount of medicinal materials, they have to work all night long, so before that, they should divide the collected materials into batches.

Most of the materials are clothes, shoes, socks and daily necessities, because it was agreed before, but different from the distribution of medicinal materials, this time the small head belongs to Luo Xiaran.And [-]% of the medicinal materials collected later belonged to Luo Xiaran.

Putting the supplies of the two teams on both sides, Luo Xiaran said, "These are the supplies you collected this afternoon, and I won't pick them. You can leave whatever you want." Luo Xiaran will come in handy here sooner or later, isn't it?

But even though Luo Xiaran said so, of course the two teams of Lei Lifan and Lin Zenggang would not do too much.After the material distribution was over, the waiter in the shop had already started serving dinner.

Greet everyone to have dinner first. After all, there are tons of medicinal materials. Whether it is checking the quality or weighing, it is time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, before doing heavy work, of course, you need to fill your stomach well.

After dinner, Dongfang Kang'an and the shopkeeper started to act together.Although the shopkeeper only learned it for a day, with the books given by Luo Xiaran in advance and Dongfang Kang'an's careful teaching, the shopkeeper can solve common problems.

Two people checked, and others helped to weigh. More than 100 people were busy working until the dawn of the next day, and finally confirmed all the materials.Lei Lifan's medicinal materials totaled two tons and eight tons, while Lin Zenggang only had less than seven thousand catties, including the batch he shared with Luo Xiaran.

Because the value of medicinal materials is different, the materials exchanged are also different. In the end, Lei Lifan got less than three tons of materials, because Lei Lifan also chose some vegetables, fruits and white rice flour, so some discounts were given.

However, Lin Zengang obtained a little more than one ton of supplies, among which there were more grains and miscellaneous grains. In terms of vegetables, Lin Zengang only needed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and winter melons that could be stored for a long time.

At the end of the transaction, both parties are naturally satisfied.However, because there is no vehicle to load the supplies, Luo Xiaran needs to go to deliver them to them in person.But even though they hadn't slept all night, everyone was in high spirits. If it wasn't for not wanting to be noticed, some team members probably wanted to sleep in the warehouse for fear that waking up would be a big dream...

(End of this chapter)

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