Chapter 669 Pregnant
In the next six days, everyone who had gained a lot began to rest.When Dongfang Kang'an said that the shopkeeper was ready to take care of himself, Luo Xiaran sent Lei Lifan and others invitations for the opening according to the time the shopkeeper expected.

Anyway, the purpose of posting the invitation was to bid farewell to Lei Lifan and others, so Luo Xiaran only invited the team of Lei Lifan and Lin Zenggang. In the flea market, Luo Xiaran posted the exchange and purchase ratio outside the inn early in the morning. If it hadn't been for the official opening of the store, Luo Xiaran believed that the business would be much better than the other branches at the beginning.

But when you think about it, when the other branches opened, they were all in the unstable surrounding safety zone or when the development was not well developed. Speaking of it, Lei Lifan and the P city base were the most profitable.

After drinking and eating, Luo Xiaran announced that she was going back to City S.It also stated that if there is any need for help in the future, you can leave a message at the inn and give it to the shopkeeper. Then in the early morning of the next day, Luo Xiaran took Junlie, Dongfang Kang'an, and Songsong and embarked on the return journey.

I thought this trip would be a long-term battle. Who would have thought that the problem would be solved in just one month?Thinking of the several tons of medicinal materials that have been sent to the main store, and the continuous flow of medicinal materials in the future, Luo Xiaran is even more happy.

With the two teams of Lei Lifan and Lin Zenggang as leaders, there must be many teams that will go to the mountains of Northern Province to find medicinal herbs.And because he didn't know the efficacy of the mutated wild medicinal materials, Luo Xiaran also offered a very favorable price to the first batch of guests who came to the inn to exchange.

On the way back, because she saved a lot of time before, Luo Xiaran decided to go around to other cities to see, and contact the survivor team by the way, to see if she could find another suitable place to establish a branch or a partner.

However, in most cities, although there are survivor bases, they are not very prosperous. In the end, Luo Xiaran only made a deal with the survivors, received a batch of crystal cores, and went back home.

It took nearly 20 days for the three of them to successfully enter City S, but before they could rush to Anping District, the communication device placed on the car suddenly rang.

Both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie didn't use the communicator to send news to their families before, but thinking about it so suddenly now really scared Luo Xiaran.After Jun Lie's decoding, Luo Xiaran couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that there was an exciting news from the communicator, that is - Ma Jianing was pregnant!

Ma Jianing and Zhang Limin have been together for almost two years. Because Luo Xiaran knows very well that it is not easy for people with supernatural powers to have children, when she heard the news, she couldn't stop smiling brightly. .

Although it is not clear whether there are any newborns among the other survivors in the safe zone, this is the first one in their team. Luo Xiaran thought that the newborn encouragement policy should be prepared as soon as possible.

After all, children are the future. After the apocalypse, the population has decreased too much. Although most of the survivors are young and middle-aged, the problem is that after the apocalypse, men and women are very chaotic, and women are relatively rare. If you want more children to be born and survive In the end, of course, there needs to be a formal incentive policy and a system to guarantee the life of newborns.

 Regular release~ The heroine will not have children!Maybe adopt, but not give birth~
(End of this chapter)

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