Chapter 672 Anping City

With the promulgation of policies one by one, the entire safe zone became more stable.Even Xiao Zhenyan's side has already started to arrange a census, and also started to get an identification card.

After all, there are scientific researchers such as Mu Maode, although there are only a few dozen people, but because of the strong support of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, and the living conditions in the safe zone are very good, the scientific researchers also hope that the safe zone will be better .

So now that Jun Lie has become the city lord, Luo Xiaran is naturally the wife of the city lord, and the safe area of ​​City S has also been officially renamed Anping City.Anping is not only the place name where the safe zone is located, but also the expectation of all survivors.I hope this place is safe and peaceful, a haven for all of them to survive.

The long-delayed rainy season finally arrived, but this time there was only one rain, which lasted for ten consecutive days.And as the heavy rain ended, Luo Xiaran found that the energy in the air had increased a lot.

And for some unknown reason, the mutated plants began to explode. In just half a month, the outside of Anping City became lush and green, and many paths were covered by green plants.

Due to the sudden increase of mutated plants, the danger of going out also began to increase.However, with the perception and help of mutated animals, through the research of researchers, it was found that many mutated plants became edible after being resolved.Although the efficacy is not as good as that of mutated animals, at least it allows everyone to eat green plants.

Sure enough, there is no unparalleled road. Although the arrival of the end times has destroyed many human beings, as time goes by, human beings will always find a better way to survive.After Luo Xiaran was emotional, he let people tell him about several edible mutant plants that had been discovered.

Although this may reduce the business of an inn, the edible mutant plants are also limited, so Luo Xiaran doesn't care about these.What's more, not many people were willing to exchange crystal nuclei for vegetables other than potatoes and cabbage before, right?
Luo Xiaran knew that after her rebirth, she had changed a lot.At least in the last third year of the last life, Luo Xiaran didn't eat any mutant plants.

Luo Xiaran didn't know if it was because no one could communicate with mutant animals in the previous life, or it was something else.But now that everything is over again, Luo Xiaran will naturally not get entangled in such useless things.

Seeing that the life in Anping City was stable, the survivors occasionally showed smiles on their faces.And all this is because of their hard work, Luo Xiaran is actually very happy in her heart.

No one likes the safe zone of stagnant water, nor the numb and hopeless eyes of the survivors, so Luo Xiaran will definitely work harder and guard the entire safe zone with Jun Lie and others.

In just two months, as the high temperature began to invade the earth again, Leng Xi's manpower had almost been transferred.Leng Xi's team consisted of more than 3000 people. The first time they entered Anping City, it still had some influence on the original forces.

But because the city lord Jun Lie was on top of him, and Leng Xi's name wasn't pretty, it didn't take long before he calmed down.After all, when Jun Lie had an accident, the entire safety zone was cleared away, and now it can be said to be a piece of iron.

Maybe some teams still have their own selfishness, but they dare not challenge Yu Junlie's majesty.I don't know when, Jun Lie's title of "tyrant" has been called out...

(End of this chapter)

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