Chapter 673 Crystal Nucleus Gun

By the time Luo Xiaran knew Jun Lie's title of 'tyrant', it was already a long time later.However, Anping City itself was established because of the existence of Jun Lie, otherwise Luo Xiaran would not have come to Anping City, and there would not be a Youjian Inn that made the entire Anping City survive.

So even though the tyrant doesn't sound very nice, there is actually no malice in calling Jun Lie that way.But because of Jun Lie's temperament, coupled with his violent fire ability, it naturally made people who don't know panic.

After returning to Anping City from P City, both Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran advanced smoothly.At this time, Luo Xiaran's wood-type ability is already in the middle of the seventh level, and Jun Lie's ability has reached the peak of the sixth level. Because there are sufficient crystal nuclei and meteorites, the two of them can practice their abilities faster than others on many.

At present, in addition to Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, there are three other six-level early-stage supernatural beings in Anping City.Of course, this is on the surface, and even Luo Xiaran can't say that she knows what's going on in private.

Cheng Yan's dark ability also reached the peak of level five. Not long after Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie got married, Cheng Yan left Luo Xiaran's team with Chu Hao, Su Zheng and others.

After all, Luo Xiaran originally planned to build a team by herself, but now that she has completely trusted Jun Lie, naturally there is no need to create another team.And Cheng Yan was not someone who wanted to be subordinate to Jun Lie, so after discussing with Luo Xiaran, Cheng Yan went out to do it alone.

However, Cheng Yan's mother, Xue Jing, still stayed in the Lie Yan mercenary group, which was Cheng Yan's own intention.One is because the base of the Lieyan mercenary group is the safest, and the other is to show Jun Lie that even if he goes out to do it alone, he has no intention of betraying Luo Xiaran.

With Luo Xiaran's material support, although most of the survivors in Anping City had joined the team, fortunately, Cheng Yan didn't need too many people, so Cheng Yan quickly gained a foothold in the second district.

After more than two years of development, the current permanent population of Anping City has reached 22.Because in Anping City, as long as you work hard, you can get enough supplies, so many survivors around S City gathered here, and then they were attracted by the good life in Anping City, and finally stayed.

After the end of the third hot summer season, after more than half a year, the research institute of Mu Maode and others finally sent good news again—the crystal nucleus gun was born!
The crystal nucleus gun looks similar to the pistol before the end of the world, but because it is filled with crystal nucleus, it is an enlarged version of the pistol as a whole, and the weight is also heavier. A red crystal nucleus can fire ten bullets. If it is orange yellow Or if it is above, you can add more bullets.

The color of the bullets fired by the crystal nucleus gun is related to the color of the crystal nucleus filled in. However, due to the problem of the energy of the crystal nucleus, the current crystal nucleus gun can only be filled with yellow crystal nucleus at most. Unable to convert the energy in the crystal nucleus to produce an explosion.

Of course, the crystal nucleus gun cannot be used all the time.Even if it is a pistol before the end of the world, it is impossible to keep shooting without any scruples, is it?Therefore, after using each crystal nucleus gun for half an hour, it needs to rest and cool down, even if it is a water-type or ice-type ability, it will only speed up the destruction of the crystal nucleus gun.

After all, the hardness of the crystal nucleus does not match the material used to make the crystal nucleus gun. The metal that can be found so far, the crystal nucleus gun produced is already the best.Fortunately, Luo Xiaran and the others don't mind this. Having a gun is better than not having one, right?
Moreover, the crystal nucleus gun can be eaten by ordinary people, and can penetrate increasingly powerful zombies, so that ordinary people cannot continue to idle and can only rely on supernatural beings for a living...

(End of this chapter)

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