Chapter 674

It's a pity that there is no way to mass-produce the crystal nucleus gun in the short term, so the weapons that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie collected before are basically exchanged for ordinary people.

After all, as the abilities of zombies become stronger, the danger of ordinary people walking outside is higher.Fortunately, after two and a half years of devastation in the apocalypse, ordinary people are not helpless. It's just that ordinary people need two or more people to fight against zombies alone.

However, because Anping City has the same attitude towards supernatural beings and ordinary people, there are also ordinary people in each team.Although most of the battles do not require ordinary people, they will not be looked down upon if they follow behind to dig crystal cores, carry supplies, or pick up leaks.

It's just that even though Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie have done so much, there is still a red light district in the outermost circle of Anping City.After discussing with Luo Xiaran and others, they didn't do anything about the red light district. After all, people always need to vent, don't they?What's more, if this can increase the number of newborns, Luo Xiaran and others will pretend not to know.

Since Ma Jianing was diagnosed as pregnant, Luo Xiaran and others have paid more attention to the newborn.Unfortunately, in the months since then, there has been no news of the newborn.However, there are also quite a few young couples who received the certificate, which can be regarded as adding a lot of happy events to the entire Anping City.

But not long after the happy days, news came from the Kyoto branch that made Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and the others look serious.The matter of the underground research institute before was finally exposed.

After all, in order to lure the Kyoto base, Ping Minnan would contact the Kyoto base from time to time.However, after Ping Minnan's death, Luo Xiaran and others took away all the researchers, and it took so long to be exposed, which is considered a very good situation.

You must know that apart from He Mo, Tang Yuanjie and the Tao family, no one has guessed that the disappearance of the researchers has anything to do with Luo Xiaran and others.So relatively speaking, Anping City is considered safe.What's more, the Tao family has grasped the Kyoto base step by step. Unless the Tao family wants to fall out with Luo Xiaran, otherwise this matter will only be completely concealed.

But even so, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie would not be negligent, and passed the news to the team members in the capital, asking them to always pay close attention to the next progress of this matter.

Because of the material support in Luo Xiaran Inn, the 1000 people who stayed at the Kyoto base have now developed into three small teams, each of which has nearly [-] people, so it is not a problem to inquire about news.

What happened again and again was that not long after, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie received another message from the team members following Qiu Mouse.Due to the establishment of Anping City, several large bases in the surrounding area began to build the city in a similar manner, and because of the defeat of the Qiu family, Qiu Mouse settled down for a while, and then climbed up to other people. Now the attention of the Lieyan Mercenary Group has been drawn.

Qiu Mouse had arranged for some people to sneak into Anping City before, but because of the last big cleanup, all of Qiu Mouse's people were wiped out, so after being unable to get news for a long time, Qiu Mouse couldn't stand it anymore.

What's more, there is an inn that has continuously provided supplies, which naturally has attracted attention and coveted for a long time.Although he was also afraid of the strength of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, under the instigation of Qiu Mouse, several of the large teams united with the city where Qiu Mouse was located, and came up with Luo Xiaran's idea...

(End of this chapter)

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