Chapter 676: Intelligent Zombie
As for the batch of colorful liquids that Luo Xiaran brought back, after several months of research, new discoveries were made.For those concentrated liquid explosives, just one drop can blast out a large pit with a diameter of 20 meters and a depth of five meters.

It's a pity that although they know what it is, but how to synthesize it in proportion, Mu Maode and other researchers have carefully analyzed it, but they have not come up with any important results.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are not greedy people, so they handed over the liquid bombs to Mu Maode and other researchers to make them portable, and then let them go again.

After all, neither Luo Xiaran nor Jun Lie are research-oriented personnel.With that time, it's better to carefully improve your abilities. For some reason, both of them have a bad premonition in their hearts, which makes them unable to laugh.

When Luo Xiaran's abilities reached the peak of level seven, chaos finally broke out in Anping City.No matter how cautious Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others were, they never expected that zombies would appear in the city one day.

At first, Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and the others thought it was ordinary people who were scratched by zombies when they went out and concealed the news. Although there was an observation point at the entrance of Anping City, after all, there were teams going in and out every day, so those who entered the city The place only checks the wounds, and those with wounds will stay at the observation point for two days to prevent the possibility of turning into zombies.

However, after some investigation, it was discovered that the ordinary people who turned into zombies first had no plans to go out to hunt zombies recently.So why did they become zombies?It couldn't be that he was accidentally fed the flesh and blood of zombies, right?

Anping City was under martial law for a whole week because of this incident, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Finally, the problem was discovered-mutated intelligent zombies.

Mutated intelligent zombies look useless to normal people, as long as they don't use their abilities, whether it's eyes or hands, they look normal.Moreover, intelligent zombies can also speak human words. Although the words are relatively slow, they can also communicate with humans.

It was Fu Yixian who was similar to the mutant intelligent zombie who discovered it.Perhaps because two tigers cannot be tolerated in one mountain, after meeting Leng Xi who was taking Fu Yixian out for a walk, the mutated intelligent zombies attacked Fu Yixian.

Because Leng Xi was always worried that the identity of Fu Yixian's zombie would be discovered, so he arranged many people to protect Fu Yixian by his side.Therefore, the sudden attack of the intelligent zombies did not harm the two of them, but they did not leave any intelligent zombies behind.

In the end, the intelligent zombies wounded the gatekeepers at the gate of the city and fled out of Anping City.Ever since the mutated intelligent zombie disappeared, Fu Yixian, who met him face to face, became manic, devouring crystal nuclei non-stop, and often wanted to escape from Leng Xi's side.

If Master Diao was not there, Fu Yixian would have almost killed Leng Xi.Luo Xiaran and Lu Tongtong worked together for three hours, and finally rescued the dying Leng Xi.

Since Fu Yixian couldn't speak out, Luo Xiaran and the others couldn't figure out what Fu Yixian was going to do. For safety's sake, Luo Xiaran could only lock Fu Yixian in the guest room of the inn...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ February is over, thank you for your company~ Let's continue to work hard next month~
(End of this chapter)

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