Chapter 677
With the sudden appearance of intelligent zombies, martial law began in Anping City.In addition to the identification cards needed to enter and leave the city every day, it is also necessary to strictly stay in the observation area for two days.

Because such an approach was too time-consuming, most teams stopped going out of the city to hunt zombies.And some teams that go out of the city usually choose a place farther away, and save the time of going back and forth to the city to observe.

After all, there are less than [-] medical staff in the entire Anping City, and it is not easy to arrange for people to take blood tests at the entrance to the city.What's more, the combat effectiveness of medical staff is generally low, and such an approach is also very dangerous for them.

Just one month after the appearance of the intelligent zombie, Fu Yixian, who had finally stabilized her emotions, suddenly became manic again.If Master Diao hadn't helped to watch, Fu Yixian might have escaped from the inn.

And as Fu Yixian's mood suddenly changed, successive zombies began to gather towards Anping City again.Because there was news from a team that was going out, the entire Anping City began to mobilize to clean up the zombies before the zombies gathered into tens of thousands of teams.

Fortunately, due to the martial law, the combat power in the city did not go out much.So according to the experience of the previous two times, everyone formed their own teams, and then started to clean up the zombies.

Anping City will not collect crystal nuclei obtained by individuals.After all, it will basically fall into Luo Xiaran's hands in the end anyway, but the beast core Luo Xiaran still strictly controls it.

After about a week, the number of zombies outside Anping City changed from a few hundred per wave at the beginning to thousands or even tens of thousands per wave. After a week, everyone has become accustomed to eating, sleeping and killing zombies Case.

In the end, when the outside of Anping City turned into a scene full of zombies, the intelligent zombies finally appeared outside Anping City.A small mountain was piled up by an ice-type zombie using its abilities. The intelligent zombie stood on the iceberg, facing Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie on the city wall, and said word by word: "B, I,,, Same, similar, hand over, give, me.”

"I don't have anything similar to yours here. If you don't want to die, take the zombies away as soon as possible." Luo Xiaran held a mutated rabbit of the thunder system in her hand.

Although it is inconvenient for others to know about Fu Yixian's condition, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Xiaran to hand over Fu Yixian.What's more, the wise zombies would kill Fu Yixian as soon as they saw her. It must be absolutely impossible to treat Fu Yixian well.

The most important thing is that with Leng Xi around, even if Fu Yixian's limbs were cut off, he would never give Fu Yixian another chance to leave him.Fortunately, Leng Xi is different from Jun Lie. Although he has this kind of thought in his heart, he never has the time to act.

Seeing Luo Xiaran reject her words, the wise zombie was very angry. With a long howl of the wise zombie, the group of zombies attacked more violently.It was originally a team to clean up zombies, but it was a bit overwhelming at first.

After all, the number of zombies has now reached tens of thousands, and most of the mutated zombies are in the third level.And although the average ability level of the supernatural beings in Anping City is not low, they have been fighting for a long time before and consumed a lot of supernatural energy, so naturally they couldn't resist.

 Scheduled release~ Hey, I don't know what to write, I want to finish it.Speaking of my initial outline, there is actually a battle for aliens to reach the earth, but I feel that writing it down is not like a post-apocalyptic text. I am entangled. I am entangled. If you see it, please answer whether you want to see aliens and survivors. The battle of the fighters~
(End of this chapter)

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