Chapter 678 Devour Ability
After recalling the first team of survivors with lower abilities outside the city, the Jun family's team officially joined the battle.Because Jun's family has Luo Xiaran's crystal nucleus supply, the average ability is around the middle of the fourth level, even if they face mutant zombies, they will not be at a disadvantage.

I don't know if it was because of the summoning of intelligent zombies, more and more zombies surrounded Anping City.They gathered densely under the city, and even divided up the work. Some were responsible for fighting with the survivors, while others began to move towards the city wall.

Under the wisdom of the intelligent zombies, the zombies also have the intention to cooperate.For example, earth-type zombies filled the ditches outside the city, and wind-type zombies directly brought other zombies to fly up to the wall from the air.

Fu Yixian, who was locked in the inn by Luo Xiaran, even started to destroy the inn, trying to escape from it.Even Mr. Diao couldn't do anything about Fu Yixian for a while, after all Mr. Diao couldn't possibly kill Fu Yixian, right?

It can't go on like this!Seeing more and more zombies outside the city and the team of survivors who were gradually besieged, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie exchanged glances, and then led the last batch of people with abilities above level five , joined the battle.

After Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others joined, the team of survivors who were trapped among the zombies relaxed a little.It's a pity that before they could relax enough, another wave of more powerful mutated zombies, under the command of intelligent zombies, fought with Luo Xiaran and other high-level abilities.

And the intelligent zombie who had been standing on the iceberg also launched an attack in the direction of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.Without checking for a while, Luo Xiaran was almost injured by a smart zombie.

Luo Xiaran and the others never thought that this intelligent zombie would have the ability to devour.The so-called devour ability means that it can swallow all attacks, which is a bit like the dark ability, but the devour ability can turn the energy devoured in the attack into its own energy.

So even though Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's attacks were strong, they had nothing to do with the intelligent zombies.Even the energy of the two attacks was transformed by the intelligent zombies into devouring abilities to attack other survivors.

All of a sudden, Luo Xiaran and the others' fighting power was greatly reduced, and many survivors were seriously injured due to the attack of intelligent zombies. In the end, Luo Xiaran could only let people take the injured survivors back, and exchanged for Pei Zheng's mutated Animal legions replace the survivors to fight.

Because the size of the mutated animals was different from that of the zombies, although the attack power was not as strong as that of the mutated zombies, at least there were no further casualties.

Seeing this, the intelligent zombies entangled with high-level supernatural beings such as Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie. After another long roar, the zombie group began to ignore the existence of mutant animals and tried hard to attack the city.

The two sides were at a stalemate, consuming more and more of each other, but because of the devouring ability, the intelligent zombie seemed to have no loss, and stretched out its claws at the high-level ability users who besieged him with ease.

There was a bloodstain on Luo Xiaran's face, and she felt bad, but after thinking about it, Luo Xiaran had no way to restrain the intelligent zombies.Even Jun Lie, a powerful offensive supernatural being, had wounds on his body.

It's a pity that they are now in the middle of a battle, and it is not easy for Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others to get out.Just when Luo Xiaran was feeling irritable, she noticed Cheng Yan.

 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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