Chapter 686

After waiting for nearly two hours, Luo Xiaran's legs were sore.And Leng Xi, who hadn't cultivated himself due to the power of prophecy, was already pale and sweating profusely. If it wasn't for the support of Mr. Diao, he would probably collapse now.

"Brother Leng, sister-in-law seems to be asleep. Why don't you carry sister-in-law back to the bed and go to the next room to rest." Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and thought for a while, then said to Leng Xi.

After all, Leng Xi's body is weaker than others due to his ability to prophesy. Although he understands that Leng Xi is worried about Fu Yixian's condition, Luo Xiaran doesn't feel that Leng Xi needs to ignore his physical condition. .

Anyway, Luo Xiaran didn't have any feelings for Fu Yixian, but of course she had to get close to Leng Xi, the eldest brother.If one had to give up one side, that person would only be Fu Yixian.

Hearing that Lengxi entered the room, he checked Fu Yixian carefully, and after confirming that she really seemed to be asleep, he felt relieved.However, Leng Xi ignored Luo Xiaran's suggestion of changing the room. After picking up Fu Yixian and placing her on the bed, she also lay on the side with her clothes on.

Because Fu Yixian hadn't slept since he arrived at the inn for more than half a year, Leng Xi was worried that something unexpected would happen, so it was even more impossible to leave Fu Yixian's side.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaran shrugged her shoulders helplessly, and then said to Mr. Diao, "I'll get someone to prepare some food and bring Mr. Dongfang by the way. Please watch Mr. Diao carefully."

"Miss Luo, please go slowly." Master Diao saw what Luo Xiaran did for Leng Xi and Fu Yixian, so from the beginning he didn't care, he began to treat Luo Xiaran as Leng Xi's own sister Looking at it, he usually looks respectful, which makes Luo Xiaran feel a little uncomfortable.

Walking out of Leng Xi's room, Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief, and then called the waiter in the shop to arrange lunch for Leng Xi and Mr. Diao, and then returned to the small building behind.Because Jun Lie went to the station of the Lieyan Mercenary Group, Luo Zhaoxian and his wife went to school again, so only Luo Xiaran had lunch alone.

After eating some lunch, Luo Xiaran began to recover her psychic powers, probably because she often combed Fu Yixian's psychic power in the past few months, so she also vaguely wanted to upgrade.

Compared with the wood-type ability, which was almost at level eight, Luo Xiaran's mental ability was only at level five.However, the fifth-level psychic ability is already powerful enough. As long as Luo Xiaran thinks about it, he can see everything in a radius of a hundred miles, and now he can contact more than 20 people with the spiritual connection.

Just thinking about Fu Yixian's problem, Luo Xiaran didn't intend to rush to advance now. After all, Jun Lie was not at the inn. If something went wrong with Fu Yixian, Luo Xiaran needed to control it.

It's a pity that Fu Yixian's sleep meant that she couldn't sleep. Luo Xiaran waited for three days and three nights, but Fu Yixian had no intention of waking up.Fortunately, Dongfang Kang'an and Mu Maode confirmed that although Fu Yixian's body was different, she was indeed in a deep sleep.

When Luo Xiaran ventured to use her psychic powers to try it out, she found that the mental power in Fu Yixian's brain was slightly abnormal. Of course, Luo Xiaran thought it would have a bad influence on Fu Yixian, so she just I can give up and continue to wait...

 Scheduled release~ This point is probably in the process of watching the movie~ "Peter Rabbit", I watched the animated version with my brother before~
(End of this chapter)

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