Chapter 687
While Luo Xiaran and the others were busy with Fu Yixian's affairs, Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan fought again.But this time, it was not in the state of being crushed and beaten during the siege of the zombies, but Jun Lie and others destroyed the invading enemies in a destructive manner.

According to the information obtained before, the ones who acted together with Qiu Mouse this time were also several leaders who had previously proposed to unite with the bases around S city.Although Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran rejected the proposal at the time, it did not mean that they gave up their ambition so easily.

It's just that because the Lieyan Mercenary Group and Anping City were developing better and better before, the leaders couldn't find a partner.Moreover, Anping City is like an iron bucket, and they are also afraid of Jun Lie's title of tyrant.

Even in the last days, it's not like they haven't killed anyone, but like Jun Lie, as long as they have doubts, they will solve them all. It seems that the situation of floating corpses of millions of corpses when the emperor is angry still makes them feel straight up. .

This time, the reason why Luo Xiaran was provoked by Qiu Mouse was also because of the bodyguard beside Qiu Mouse.After the bodyguard advanced to level six, Qiu Mouse became more confident.

What's more, Anping City has an endless supply of supplies. Even if Luo Xiaran doesn't mind selling them in large quantities to the surrounding survivor teams or safe areas, how can buying them from other people's flower crystal cores can be compared to holding them in their own hands? Woolen cloth?

So because of ambition and the strength of the sixth-level supernatural beings, nearly 5 people, of which supernatural beings accounted for 70.00%, gathered to prepare for an ambush towards Anping City.

After all, before Anping City, there were teams going out to hunt zombies every day. If these teams were controlled and it took some time, it might not be difficult to enter Anping City.

Since all the people Qiu Mouse arranged to enter Anping City were killed by Jun Lie in the previous attack, and the identification card was issued after that, Qiu Mouse didn't even know that entering Anping City now requires identification Card.

However, the siege of the zombies also provided convenience for Qiu Mouse and his party. After discovering that the zombies had surrounded Anping City, Qiu Mouse led a large group of people to lurk to the periphery not too far away from Anping City, preparing to take advantage of the fire to loot.

If it weren't for Leng Xi's prophecy ability, Qiu Mouse would have stayed with 5 people to attack Anping City while it was suffering heavy damage, and maybe he could really get something back.

More likely, both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie would be in danger.After all, in Leng Xi's prophecy, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were seriously injured and unconscious because of the intelligent zombies, and the inn's defense was also broken because of the intelligent zombies.

Even if there are still members of Jun's family left, don't forget that when facing intelligent zombies, many of the high-level supernatural beings in Anping City are gone.Even a powerful attacking power user like Jun Lie was seriously injured and unconscious, so what about other high-level power users?

Thinking about it this way, Jun Lie also had to be grateful to Yu Lengxi.Although Leng Xi would not have left Anping City with Fu Yixian after learning about the power, but if Leng Xi hadn't made a decisive decision, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie would not have been just exhausted after the battle.

Because there was not much damage in the zombie siege, and the combatants in batches also rested and recovered for a while, plus sufficient supplies and drinking water, so facing the 5 horses of Shangqiu rats, it was really Nothing.

After beheading the bodyguard who was loyal to Qiu Mouse, even Qiu Mouse could not escape death.The two leaders died, and the angry and retreating team was even more vulnerable. In order to make an example to others, Jun Lie didn't let anyone go, which added a touch of glory to his title of tyrant...

 Timely release ~ this point is estimated to have dinner outside ~ ha ha ha ~
(End of this chapter)

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