Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 688 Cultivating the Zombie King

Chapter 688 Cultivating the Zombie King

Until a week later, when Leng Xi could bear it no longer, Fu Yixian, who had been sleeping all this time, finally opened her eyes slowly under Leng Xi's gaze...

At this time, Fu Yixian's eyes have changed greatly. The eyes that were originally gray, lifeless and empty, now the waves of light flow, and the blue light is rolling in the eyes, and they no longer look stupid. .

"Xian'er?" Leng Xi stood up, stretched out his hand cautiously to Fu Yixian, stroked her cheek, and called softly.

Hearing Leng Xi's voice, Fu Yixian finally reacted. After tilting her head to look at Leng Xi, she opened her mouth and said, "Hungry..."

Speaking of which, this is not the first time that Fu Yixian has spoken to Leng Xi, but because of the prophecy before, how could Leng Xi have the time to feel so much emotion.So now after hearing Fu Yixian's hoarse voice, she couldn't help but her eyes were red.

"What do you want to eat? Crystal nucleus?" Leng Xi held back the rushing emotions in his heart, looked at Fu Yixian with a smile and asked.Although Fu Yixian had been feeding crystal nuclei before, it was different now, what if Fu Yixian wanted to eat something else?

It's a pity that Leng Xi thought too much about the situation. Fu Yixian is now like a newborn, with only desire in her heart. Although she is not bloodthirsty, she doesn't quite understand Leng Xi's meaning. She still said in a hoarse voice: " hungry……"

Seeing this, Leng Xi sighed in his heart, and soon cheered up again, took the crystal nucleus from Master Diao, wiped it carefully, and put it in the palm of his hand.

And Fu Yixian probably sensed the energy in the crystal nucleus, but because she still had some impressions of Leng Xi's teaching before, after all, if she was not obedient, Leng Xi would not give her enough crystal nucleus to eat, so until Leng Xi wiped it clean After grabbing the crystal nucleus and spreading out her palms, Fu Yixian quickly grabbed the crystal nucleus and put it in her mouth to chew.

Although the sound of "click, click" was subtle, it made Leng Xi happy.At least after eating the seventh-level crystal nucleus, although Fu Yixian's level has also reached the seventh level, it doesn't mean that she has become bad, does she?

While Leng Xi was feeding Fu Yixian, Luo Xiaran also got the news.When I came to Leng Xi's guest room from the small building, I saw two people feeding the other. Although the atmosphere was weird, it was very harmonious.

Noticing the blue light in Fu Yixian's eyes, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and opened her mind to observe carefully.Fortunately, although Fu Yixian lost her memory and looked like a gluttonous child, she didn't look dangerous.

In this case, as long as Leng Xi teaches carefully, he should be able to grow up slowly.Just like eating crystal nuclei before, she snatched the crystal nuclei when she first saw them, but now she understands that only the crystal nuclei that Leng Xi feeds to her can be eaten.

What's more, when Luo Xiaran dug out the crystal nucleus of the intelligent zombie before, Luo Xiaran didn't think that crystal nucleus would be unattractive to Fu Yixian.But even so, Fu Yixian still wanted Leng Xi to help wash it up, and even Leng Xi didn't rush to feed her, Fu Yixian was safe and sound, which was enough to show that Fu Yixian was very different from those mutated zombies that were controlled by desire and did not breathe.

If this is the case, maybe Fu Yixian can be trained as a zombie king according to the plan.If the Zombie King was in their Anping City, it would be much safer to face other mutated zombies.

Thinking of what the shopkeeper told her before, because Fu Yixian was a mutant zombie, there were a lot of gossips in the city. If this arrangement is passed on, maybe everyone will not object to it...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ So Fu Yixian is the future zombie king~ Haha, did anyone guess it?
(End of this chapter)

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