Chapter 689 Consent Program
Of course, before such a plan was made, Leng Xi's consent was still required.After all, without Leng Xi's cooperation, things would not have been so easy.What's more, I still need to discuss with Jun Lie, Xiao Zhenyan and others, so Luo Xiaran just had an idea at this time.

Under Leng Xi's gaze, Luo Xiaran carefully checked Fu Yixian's mental strength.Fortunately, because Leng Xi fed the crystal nucleus from time to time, Fu Yixian did not resist Luo Xiaran's approach.

However, it might also be because Luo Xiaran was also releasing wood-type powers when she was using her mental power.After all, zombies seldom attack mutated plants, not to mention that Fu Yixian was probably used to Luo Xiaran's breath before.

After the mental power entered Fu Yixian's brain, Luo Xiaran found that Fu Yixian's mental power, which was a little messy before, was completely integrated.And the mental power she had left behind just in case had disappeared without a trace.

What a blessing!Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental power and sighed in her heart.After all, Leng Xi had been eating and sleeping with Fu Yixian all week, if Fu Yixian, who had devoured the seventh-level crystal nucleus, was violent, then the most dangerous person would be Leng Xi.

Seeing that although Luo Xiaran withdrew her hand, she never spoke, Leng Xi frowned, and asked worriedly, "What's the matter? Is the situation not good?"

"No, not at all. Sister-in-law's sanity has recovered, but there is nothing I can do about memory and other aspects. So in the future, I can only work hard to teach Brother Leng from the beginning bit by bit." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran shook her head slightly and said.

The damage Ping Minnan left to Fu Yixian has disappeared with Fu Yixian's level advancement.Luo Xiaran didn't think it was a good thing for Fu Yixian to recall her past memories, so if there were no special circumstances in the future, she would not use her mental power to do anything to Fu Yixian.

And Leng Xi probably felt that Fu Yixian's experience in the laboratory was too painful, so when he heard that the memory would not recover, he was slightly relieved, smiled gratefully at Luo Xiaran and said: " This is enough. Since Xianer is fine, then I will move to the resident next."

"Let's observe it for two or three days." To be on the safe side, Luo Xiaran suggested after thinking about it.Although she didn't mind Leng Xi staying here, considering that Leng Xi's team was also in Anping City, she didn't intend to dissuade him.

After all, Leng Xi, as the master of a power, doesn't look good all the time living on someone else's territory, doesn't it.What's more, they are not far away, and there are walkie-talkies and radio stations to communicate.

"Okay." Leng Xi also understood that Luo Xiaran was doing it for their own good, so he didn't refuse.When Fu Yixian was no longer clamoring for hunger, she had eaten more than 100 red crystal nuclei before she knew it.

Because of the plan to cultivate the zombie king, after Luo Xiaran left Leng Xi's room, she took the lead in getting in touch with Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan.After no one rejected Luo Xiaran's proposal, when everyone was sitting together for dinner at night, Xiao Zhenyan raised the matter with Leng Xi.

Leng Xi knew that Fu Yixian needed a 'legal' identity if she wanted to live in Anping safely.With the birth of the Zombie King Project, although Fu Yixian's identity as a mutated zombie will still be feared by others, at least she will not encounter the situation of being shouted and killed.So after some consideration, Leng Xi agreed to the plan of Luo Xiaran and others.

(End of this chapter)

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