Chapter 693
When I woke up the next day, it was still gray outside the window.But for some reason, Luo Xiaran felt a sense of oppression in the air.

Before Luo Xiaran could think of anything, Jun Lie had already walked in from the door carrying breakfast.In order to avoid danger, none of the people had a room in the express hotel, but made floors on the first, second, third, fourth and fifth floors.

Although it is a little uncomfortable to sleep like this, but if there are more people squeezed together, at least you won't feel cold.After all, there are mutated zombies and mutated plants watching around. If you are a little negligent, you may have to leave your life here, and there is no hope that you will never come back.

"It's going to snow. Before the snow falls, you must break into the hospital. I don't know how long it will be snowing this time." Jun Lie said while pouring hot water on Luo Xiaran.

Although there are no meteorological personnel in the safety zone, as long as you feel it outside the hotel, the coldness in the air has increased several points overnight, so it is definitely going to snow again.

"Well, hurry up and leave after eating." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded.I originally planned to observe, but in order to avoid being blocked by the heavy snow and wasting time in the hotel, I might as well go into the hospital and talk about other issues.

Anyway, from Luo Xiaran's point of view, she can rely on psychic powers. As long as she has psychic powers, she can have a panoramic view of the situation in the hospital.Although there were cases where the psychic abilities were suppressed, Luo Xiaran didn't feel bad this time.

After a hasty breakfast, Luo Xiaran took out the team's vehicles from the system backpack one by one.Although Jun Lie can already use Luo Xiaran's system backpack, Jun Lie has never used it in front of outsiders.

On the way from the express hotel to the hospital, zombies were even more numerous.In order to save time, Jun Lie ordered all ordinary people equipped with crystal core guns to attack. Due to the powerful attack power of the crystal core guns, the convoy soon arrived at the main entrance of the hospital.

Xu Shi sensed the human breath, so the zombies rushed out of the hospital in batches.After Jun Lie frowned, he said, "The superhumans open the way and enter the emergency room of the hospital."

The hospital in the city center has a total of thirteen buildings, four buildings for the inpatient department, one building for the emergency department, one building for infectious diseases, and the rest are the treatment rooms and operating rooms of various departments.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran had never been to this hospital, but before the trip, Juncheng carefully reported the various conditions of the hospital, and even found a doctor to lead the way.Of course, this doctor isn't just helpless.

And since he brought the team to the hospital, what Luo Xiaran planned was to take away everything that could be used in the hospital.After this time, it is estimated that I will never come to the hospital again.

So if you work hard now, you will save yourself from taking risks later, right?And Luo Xiaran knew very well that from the third year of the end of the world, the life of the survivors would be more difficult, and she wanted to go outside to build more inn branches.

Not the Holy Mother of Luo Xiaran, but Luo Xiaran herself needs inns, only the more inns, the more crystal cores she can earn, and the more she can do.

What's more, now that Jun Lie is also connected to the system, Luo Xiaran's casualness before was just because she didn't want to be left alone, but with Jun Lie's company, Luo Xiaran also hoped to see it with Jun Lie In the end, will the world go towards rebirth or destruction...

(End of this chapter)

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