Chapter 694 Emergency Building
The emergency building is not far from the entrance of the hospital. After passing through the slightly messy parking lot and eliminating nearly hundreds of zombies, more than 5000 people rushed into the emergency building in a hurry.

Fortunately, the lobby of the emergency building was very empty, so even if so many people broke in together, there would be no crowding.However, with the appearance of the crowd, the zombies in the hospital seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they attacked everyone with their teeth and claws.

"Using each team as a unit to clean up the emergency building, and the logistics team to clean up all the usable things in the emergency building. Especially medicines, surgical equipment, etc., must be carefully packed, and be careful not to mix them up!" Because of the shortage of medical staff, So everyone didn't know anything about the equipment in the emergency building, but no matter what, as long as it could be taken away, they would pack it carefully and take it with them this time.

Luo Xiaran cleaned out her backpack long before setting off again. Except for three grids containing several tons of food, one grid for drinking water, and one grid for fuel, the rest of the grids were empty for Luo Xiaran to prepare for this time's medical equipment and supplies. drug.

Medicines are actually easy to handle. After all, most medicines have outer packaging, as long as they are carefully packed and put away.What is more troublesome is the medical equipment and surgical equipment. Because I don't understand it, I can only be careful when cleaning it up, so as not to damage it and cause a waste of time.

As for those medicines that need to be refrigerated, it has been so long since the end of the world, and it is estimated that they cannot be used long ago.So before starting to pack the supplies, Luo Xiaran told the logistics team to give up such medicines.

You must know that when the medicines that must be refrigerated cannot meet the storage conditions, they may become poisons that swallow people's lives!Luo Xiaran didn't want to take any risky behavior.What's more, this kind of special medicine is not something that anyone can use casually.

Because the emergency building has a common corridor connecting the outpatient building on the side, and the doors of the two buildings are open, zombies can be said to be endless.

Fortunately, after more than half an hour, several teams closed the doors on all sides of the emergency building.There is a gold-type ability to seal the four gates. Although the number of zombies outside will not decrease, it also relieves them of the burden of cleaning the emergency building.

Luo Xiaran did not follow Jun Lie. After all, the logistics team still needs Luo Xiaran to provide various cartons, wooden boxes or iron drums to store the collected things, so Luo Xiaran will always follow the logistics team in this operation. stay together.

For the whole morning, when everyone was hungry and exhausted, the zombies in the emergency building were completely cleaned up.Probably because of the bloody smell in the hospital, the number of zombies here is very large. About tens of thousands of zombies were cleaned up in one morning.

However, considering that there are nearly 900 million people in the entire city of S, and the number of survivors in several safe areas is only a little over 100 million, one can imagine how terrifying the number of zombies is.

What's more, the zombies will follow the sound and the smell of human beings to move, and there is no guarantee that the zombies in the surrounding cities will follow the smell to S City, and then stay in the hospital because of the bloody smell of [-] million yuan.

After distributing some towels and wiping the mess all over, everyone ate the cooked food that Luo Xiaran brought from the inn.This time, Luo Xiaran mobilized a lot of team members to make a lot of meals. Now each person has a big box lunch, which also avoids having to prepare meals for so many people after being tired. The logistics team is also very tired...

 Scheduled release~ The update is completed today~ Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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