Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 695 Going to Other Cities

Chapter 695 Going to Other Cities

In the afternoon, everyone was no longer in a hurry to clean up the zombies in other buildings, but helped the logistics team to start packing up the supplies that could be used in the emergency building.More than 5000 people worked together, and it was not until nightfall that the matter was completely resolved.

You must know that there are a lot of scattered things in the emergency building, and they cannot be placed casually, so most of the materials are packed in small wooden boxes or small iron boxes, and finally put in a pile Put it into a big box or an iron barrel or iron box.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaran asked Jun Lie to bring a lot of people to help her make a lot of iron buckets and iron boxes made of metal in different sizes for the system backpack problem, and now they can be used directly. Naturally it is quite convenient.

For dinner, they still ate the food that Luo Xiaran packed in the system backpack, including broth, rice balls, pies, etc. Although everyone was exhausted, the aroma of the food still whetted the appetite.

After dinner, everyone slept in the open space in the lobby of the emergency building directly crowded with people.Although it was a bit crowded, the people who were extremely tired could still take care of so much.

Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie curled up in the corner together, but neither of them had any intention of resting.Nestling in Jun Lie's arms, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and said, "When this cold winter is over, let's go to a safe area in another city to build an inn."

"There will be more cities or safe zones in the future. If we want to be invincible, we need to rely on the inn to be completely neutral."

"I have no idea about intrigue and power struggle, but if you want to do something, I will definitely support you." Luo Xiaran said seriously, watching Jun Lie waiting for him take a stand.

"It is enough for me to have you, and I will accompany you. Anping City is just a place to stay, and the place where you are is my peace of mind." Jun Lie kissed Luo Xiaran's lips, He spoke affectionately.

If it was before the end of the world, Jun Lie might work hard to build his own career for the sake of the Jun family.But now the end of the world is based on whoever has the biggest fists and whoever has the most supplies will talk, and he and Luo Xiaran have already taken it all, so naturally they don't have any other ideas.

What's more, in Jun Lie's opinion, it would be better to spend more time with Luo Xiaran if he has the ability to intrigue.Even though Luo Xiaran said that they would be together forever, the future is the future because there are many variables in it, Jun Lie only looks at the day and night in front of him.

"En." Hearing Jun Lie's words, Luo Xiaran felt warm in her heart.Maybe Jun Lie is very dangerous in the eyes of others, but after the official relationship, Jun Lie really expressed his feelings for her in every move, even Luo Xiaran admitted that under Jun Lie's actions, She was also full of Jun Lie.

"Okay, don't think about it, I will always be with you." Jun Lie felt the emotion in Luo Xiaran's heart, smiled and kissed Luo Xiaran's forehead, hugged Luo Xiaran and lay down in the sleeping bag , holding Luo Xiaran tightly in her arms with both hands.

Because of Jun Lie's fire ability, Luo Xiaran was warm all over.But it's still early, Luo Xiaran didn't do anything during the day except put away other people's packed supplies, so she didn't mean to be sleepy now, after pursing her lips, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but He used his psychic abilities to check the situation in the entire hospital...

 Scheduled release~ Wow, breaking through [-] chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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