Chapter 701 Doctors and Nurses

When I woke up the next morning, it was snowing outside the window.The goose-feather-like snow is flying all over the sky, swallowing the ground bit by bit, and the number of zombies wandering outside the window has decreased a lot at first glance. After careful observation, it is found that the zombies have also entered the building to hide in the snow.

Sure enough, with the development of time, zombies will become more and more humanized!While feeling emotional in her heart, Luo Xiaran thought about the team members who were still in the emergency building, so she decided to clean up the zombies together first, and then meet up for dinner halfway.

Fortunately, everyone had a full meal last night, and Luo Xiaran left some rice balls, dry food and broth to warm up the vigil players, so after contacting through the walkie-talkie, both parties started to act.

It was probably because the aura of Jun Lie and others attracted the zombies yesterday, so there were a lot more zombies in the building they were in at this time.The upstairs is basically the inpatient department. After thinking about it, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie decided to pack the quilts and pillows in the inpatient department.

At worst, bring them back to Anping City and distribute them to those widowed and lonely old people. After cleaning, there shouldn't be any problems.Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help feeling that even though it was so hot in the hot summer season, there was no epidemic in Anping City, which was a blessing among misfortunes!

And not long after Luo Xiaran gave the order, Ma Changfeng, who was walking behind the team, approached Luo Xiaran again: "Miss Luo, if you don't mind, why don't the team members in my team pack up the medicines? There are 21 interns and nurses here."

Before the end of the world, the community where Ma Changfeng lived was only two streets away from the E City Hospital, so there were many doctors and nurses in the community who bought or rented houses there, which is why Ma Changfeng took the risk of taking people into the hospital one of the reasons.

After all, the medical staff suffered heavy losses after the end of the world. Even if there is no shortage of food in Anping City, Ma Changfeng feels that there is a shortage of medicine or medical staff, so he wants to rely on these intern doctors and nurses around him, and then bring them A batch of medicines, in exchange for permanent places in Anping City.

I have to say that Ma Changfeng is indeed a visionary. Since the end of the world, he has taken care of the medical staff, so when other teams go out and get injured and have no way to do it, Ma Changfeng's team can be preserved intact.

It's just that Ma Changfeng's team itself is not big, and Ma Changfeng is used to being cautious.If not, it would be impossible to protect people so well.

After all, the most worthless thing in the last days is human life. In the beginning, everyone was running for their lives, so it doesn't matter what your occupation is?When it was needed, it was found that it could not be found.

Hearing what Ma Changfeng said, Luo Xiaran was slightly surprised.She really didn't expect that there would be medical staff in Ma Changfeng's team, but it was a surprise, Luo Xiaran nodded to Ma Changfeng, and then said: "Then trouble them, I will Someone tell them how to pack it."

With medical staff, it is more convenient to pack medicines or instruments.After all, the team members used to work on tiptoe for fear of breaking them if they did something wrong, but now that they have professionals, they feel relieved a lot.

In about four hours, everyone cleaned up another building.After feeding the hungry stomach, even Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran started to catch up on sleeping bags...

 Regular release~Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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