Chapter 702 One Month
For nearly a month, everyone was busy in the hospital.Crystal cores, medicines, pillows and bedding, and various iron products, as long as they can be used, everyone unceremoniously packed them up and handed them to Luo Xiaran to pack them up.

Although they had long heard about the strength of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie in the rumors, Ma Changfeng and his party saw with their own eyes the swiftness of this team and Luo Xiaran's various abilities. Peace of mind now.

However, just because he saw the capabilities of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's team, Ma Changfeng made up his mind that he must try his best to stay in Anping City.

Although Ma Changfeng himself was a lonely family, and the whole family was not hungry when he ate enough for one person, but since everyone recognized him as the captain, Ma Changfeng also took responsibility.

One must know that among the two hundred or so people in Ma Changfeng's team, there are dozens of women. Even for them, Ma Changfeng and the other male team members must work hard to be recognized by Luo Xiaran and his party.

And after getting along for a period of time, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie could also see that although Ma Changfeng was good at calculating and selfish, he would never make unwise calculations.

Even though Luo Xiaran had said that they could provide them with food, every time Ma Changfeng cleverly sent the crystal nuclei harvested by their team to Luo Xiaran.

This is probably because the team members of the Jun family are used to let Luo Xiaran put away the crystal cores they harvest each time. After all, Luo Xiaran will be responsible for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and cultivation consumption when going on missions, so although it is said that personal income can be collected personally Get up, but everyone finally gave it to Luo Xiaran, even Ma Changfeng.

It's just that since the crystal nucleus from Ma Changfeng's team was received, and the 21 medical staff helped a lot when collecting supplies in the hospital, Luo Xiaran also gave it to Ma Changfeng after the hospital was cleaned up. A letter of permission to accept them to stay in Anping City.

In fact, it's not that Anping City can't continue to expand its income, but Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others are not ambitious, and the more people there are, the harder it is to manage, so they decided to continue to accept survivors.

Of course, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were also clear about the fact that the survivors from the outside world yearned for a life in Anping City.Luo Xiaran doesn't want to create a Garden of Eden in the last days, but it's not impossible to be a little taller.After all, Anping City will remain neutral in the future, and the inn will continue to expand.

After cleaning up the zombies in the hospital on the last day, Luo Xiaran was not in a hurry to return to Anping City.Everyone has worked hard for so long, so Luo Xiaran decided to have another hot pot and barbecue dinner.

After Luo Xiaran announced the news of the dinner, everyone looked happy.Although Luo Xiaran didn't lose everyone in terms of eating and drinking, the dinner party and the daily three meals are also different, aren't they?

Take out the slaughtered beef and mutton, as well as dozens of large iron pots and dozens of barbecue grills.Because of the large number of people, Luo Xiaran only made a pot of hot pot ingredients, and let them do everything else by themselves.

"Should I go back directly tomorrow or go to another place to see?" Sitting beside Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran asked while rinsing the thinly sliced ​​mutton.

Without waiting for Jun Lie to speak, the communication equipment placed on the side suddenly made a 'beep beep' sound...

(End of this chapter)

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