Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 703 Plum Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum

Chapter 703 Plum Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum
"Xiao Zhenyan said that through the satellite equipment, the signal was transformed, and the other people in Jun's family were contacted with the satellite phone." After the sound of "beep beep beep" ended, Jun Lie frowned and said to Luo Xiaran .

The other people Jun Lie was talking about were naturally not the two uncles who stayed in Anping City, but Jun Lie's sister who was married far away.According to Luo Xiaran's previous understanding of Jun's family, Jun Lie currently has four sisters who are blood relatives, but because they seldom have contact with each other before the end of the world, it is even more impossible to contact them after the end of the world.

Suddenly received news from other people, even Jun Lie was a little uneasy.After all, the distance is too far, even if there is news, it may not be able to provide any support if something goes wrong.

But being able to get in touch is good news, at least everyone is still alive.Thinking that the four elder sisters were not married to ordinary people, Jun Lie no longer felt entangled.

It was precisely because she knew that the four sisters would not be easily defeated by the hardships and hardships in the post-apocalyptic world, so Luo Xiaran only privately ordered Xiao Zhenyan to communicate with the sisters as much as possible.

It's a pity that the married daughter of Jun's family's contact device cannot be brought to her husband's house, so it was not until the end of the second year of the end of the world that Ren Bo, a hacker, got in touch with her via satellite phone.

Since Xiao Zhenyan couldn't say a few sentences clearly, the news sent by Xiao Zhenyan only said that there was nothing wrong with the sisters and family members.But thinking about it, even the daughter of the Jun family is in the army, so naturally she won't be so easily infected with the zombie virus physically.

"Hurry back after eating." Luo Xiaran smiled at Jun Lie comfortingly, and then said.Even though Jun Lie has always been indifferent, Jun Lie still cares about his family very much.Just like when old man Jun passed away, even if Jun Lie didn't cry, the sadness in his eyes could still be seen at a glance.

Luo Xiaran could clearly feel the responsible emotions and worries in Jun Lie's heart, and sighed slightly in her heart.

Luo Xiaran knew very little about Jun Lie's sisters, except that their names were based on 'Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum', namely Jun Mei, Jun Lan, Jun Zhu, and Jun Ju.

Jun Mei, the oldest, is 31 years old this year, and Jun Ju, the youngest, is 25 years old this year. However, Luo Xiaran has never been to the old house of Jun's family, so naturally she doesn't know what Jun Lie's four older sisters look like.

"Okay, let's eat first. We've already got in touch, so there's no rush." ​​Sensing Luo Xiaran's worry about him, Jun Lie smiled slightly.The members of the Jun family are not easily defeated, so even if they are women, Jun Lie believes that they can live a good life.

It's a pity that it's inconvenient to travel now, but he will accompany Luo Xiaran to build more inn branches.

Thinking of this, Jun Lie ate a big mouthful of mutton, and then took a communicator to quickly send a message to Xiao Zhenyan, asking Xiao Zhenyan to pass on their post-apocalyptic experience.

After all, the Jun family gained a foothold so quickly in the apocalypse, and it was all because of some news that Luo Xiaran informed in advance.Now I don't know what the situation is with the sisters, so I can only give some experience as much as possible to avoid detours.

Although Jun Lie looked free and easy, his appetite was still affected by the sudden news.After the two quickly filled their stomachs, they gave orders to the other team members to return to Anping City as soon as possible.

 Scheduled release~ I started to get up at [-] o'clock in the morning, my heart is full~ I hate getting up early, hey~~~~Ju (ju three times)

(End of this chapter)

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