Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 704 Satellite Radio Chapter

Chapter 704 Satellite Phones
The return trip only took three days. If it weren't for the snow on the road that required the ice-type abilities to strengthen their hardness, they might have spent even less time.

Hurriedly rushing back to Anping City, everyone was exhausted.Fortunately, Anping City has been very stable recently, so everyone went directly to their respective homes to rest.

But Ma Changfeng and others were thrown to Juncheng by Jun Lie.Anyway, these people will still be useful in the future, and in the end Juncheng arranged them in the outermost area of ​​the first district, living with dozens of medical staff before.

Because there is no hospital officially established in Anping City, the current batch of medical staff are making ointments and powders under the guidance of Dongfang Kang'an.

Ointment and powder are both anti-inflammatory and hemostatic. After all, these are the most commonly used medicines in the last days, and it is easier to use Chinese medicinal materials to make them.

Although the relationship between Chinese medicine and Western medicine is not harmonious, it is all for the better development of Anping City. Besides, if Luo Xiaran didn't feed them with delicious food and drink, most of the medical staff would not have supernatural powers.Everyone is working hard for a better life.

After entering the inn, the school did not start due to the heavy snow, so Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui were drinking tea in the room while admiring the scenery in the garden.

Because there will be no snow in the backyard of the inn, the flowers in the garden are still blooming very brightly, which makes people feel good.

As for the news of Luo Xiaran and the others' return, naturally the big shopkeeper went to inform the two of them.By the time Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie washed up and went downstairs, Luo Zhaoxian and his wife had already arrived in the lobby.

First, he was concerned about the situation of the two of them outside, and after a family of four chatted for a while, Xiao Zhenyan rushed in from the outside.After Luo Xiaran accompanied Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui back to the room, Jun Lie and Xiao Zhenyan started talking.

Because there was no communication equipment and the phone could not be used before, Xiao Zhenyan thought of the satellite phone after Ren Bo hacked into a satellite that could be used.

Fortunately, the magnetic field in the sky was reduced in the cold winter, so the satellite connection was relatively stable. After changing the signal several times, they successfully contacted Jun Lie's sisters.

Fortunately, things like satellite phones are relatively expensive to make, so no one will just throw them away in the last days.What's more, the four sisters are all with their families, and they have time to pack up when they escape, which gives them more opportunities to connect with each other.

Because Jun Lie wasn't there when we made contact, Xiao Zhenyan came here today with a satellite phone.Jun Lie thought that he and Luo Xiaran were married, so he decided to contact Luo Xiaran with the four sisters later.

From Xiao Zhenyan's mouth, it was confirmed that the four elder sisters are all in good condition, and the child of Jun Ju is already two years old, and now they live in a relatively stable place, and they also know the usefulness of crystal nuclei and the quality of mutated animal meat can be eaten.

Although it is not as comfortable as Anping City where Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie live, it is much better than other places where there is no food to eat and people have lost their humanity and morality.

Of course Jun Lie believed in his sister, but he couldn't be completely relieved just by hearing what Xiao Zhenyan said.What's more, it is not impossible to report good news but not bad news, so the safest thing is for him to go and see for himself...

 Timely release~ As for the satellite phone and so on, the author is so poor that I haven't seen it, so please don't be serious~
(End of this chapter)

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