Chapter 705 Junzhu
After waiting for a short time, Luo Xiaran came down from the stairs.After Jun Lie drank the cold teacup in one gulp, he walked towards Luo Xiaran, took her by the hand and walked towards the small building in the backyard.

Feeling the mixed emotions in Jun Lie's heart, Luo Xiaran was a little puzzled. Could it be because of the changes in the situation of the sisters?While thinking this way, Luo Xiaran followed Jun Lie and quickened her pace.

After entering the small building, he put the satellite phone on the table in the living room, put his arms around Luo Xiaran's waist, and kissed Luo Xiaran's red lips. Asked: "Can I use the satellite phone in the inn?"

"It should have no effect." Luo Xiaran licked her lips, and the slight tingling made her feel helpless.Sure enough, even if Jun Lie has learned to be gentle, he is still on the predatory side in this kind of matter.But thinking about the fact that they haven't been in love for more than a month, Luo Xiaran also understands Jun Lie's feelings.

No matter how mature Jun Lie is, he is only 23 years old now, which is the best age for a man, not to mention that they have just married, and men who have had sex before will not be as patient as before.

While sniggering in her heart, Luo Xiaran sat beside Jun Lie and watched Jun Lie fiddle with the satellite phone.Speaking of which, this was the first time Luo Xiaran had seen a satellite phone.Square and square like a brick, it looks weird.

After the sound of "tick tick", it took about tens of seconds before someone connected to the satellite phone, only to hear a gentle woman's voice coming from the satellite phone: "Hello? Zhenyan , why did you call today?"

"Third Sister, it's me, Jun Lie." Jun Lie held Luo Xiaran's right hand, took a deep breath, and said to the satellite phone.In fact, only Jun Lie knew in his heart that even though he firmly believed in the abilities of his sisters and husbands, he had already prepared for the possibility of losing them.

After all, the infection of the zombie virus is not regular at all. Although it is true that a strong person has a lower chance of becoming a zombie, but if he does not activate the ability, he will become a zombie because he is scratched and bitten by a zombie. There is no danger after the end of the world. Without him, Jun Lie would naturally plan for the worst.

When he first heard that Xiao Zhenyan had contacted the four sisters, Jun Lie couldn't bear the excitement.But now when he heard Jun Zhu's voice as gentle as ever, Jun Lie finally felt at ease.

"Ah, it's Ariel, you're back already? I heard from Zhenyan that you've gone out. That's right, my sisters don't even know about such a big event like marriage. I'll make up for it later.

Ah Lie has really grown up, do you know that he will love and spoil his wife in the future?But the members of our Jun family are all good men, my sister believes that you can take good care of yourself and your younger siblings..." Jun Zhu's voice was a little excited, and he was rambling.

It wasn't until Jun Zhu talked for a long time that his voice choked up, and Jun Lie said again: "Sister, don't worry, we are fine now. After a while, I will go to see my sister and brother-in-law. I heard that the fourth sister gave me I gave birth to my little nephew, and I want to give him a gift too.

By the way, third sister, Ranran is here, how about you chat with Ranran?Ran Ran is my wife, she is 20 years old, she is very beautiful, I don't want her to go out, I just want to keep her close..."

(End of this chapter)

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