Chapter 707
Although Luo Xiaran is looking forward to the birth of Ma Jianing's child, Luo Xiaran has already done all the preparations that can be done, and Luo Xiaran can't help with the next childbirth.

What's more, compared to Ma Jianing who is still a few months away from giving birth, it is better to take the opportunity to visit Jun Lie's older sisters first.If possible, Luo Xiaran would naturally set up a branch with them so that Jun Lie could contact and communicate with them.

Moreover, Luo Xiaran hoped to find more meteorites during the trip.Although the third year of the end of the world is about to begin, the use of meteorites should have been discovered, but although meteorites can increase the level of abilities, if there is nothing to eat, it is more cost-effective to ask for meteorites than to ask for food.

However, although the itinerary has been decided, it is not so easy to leave.Through the satellite, there are not a few zombies who have seen other areas of Kyoto. If Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie act alone, they need to make more preparations.

First of all, you need to bring sufficient supplies. After all, you are not sure when and where to set up a branch, and you have to bring enough gifts for the four sisters and brothers-in-law.The second is the issue of weapons. Even if the two have powerful abilities, if they are besieged by zombies, they still need to use weapons.

With the existence of the system backpack, these two problems are easy to solve.It's just that there are only two months left in the cold winter, so the inns also need to prepare sufficient supplies to prepare for the lives of the survivors in the safe zone in the third year of the end of the world.

Speaking of which, Luo Xiaran seemed to have not paid attention to the situation in other safe areas for a while.Fortunately, there was no bad news from the shopkeepers, and if there was any danger, the other party would not take it by themselves.

After filling up all the places used to store supplies in several inns with Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran also filled up her system backpack.Two grids of drinking water, two grids of fuel, and the crystal nuclei harvested after emptying one grid, and the rest of the grids are filled with basic necessities, food, clothing, guns, ammunition, medicines, and so on.

After getting ready for the trip, Jun Lie discussed with Xiao Zhenyan about the next arrangements in Anping City, and that night, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie used the inn to arrive at the Kyoto branch in an instant.

There was no one else in the inn. After thinking about it, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie decided to go to the Kyoto base the next day.After all, thanks to the help of the Tao family and Tang Yuanjie to cover up the matter of the underground research institute, otherwise the chances of exposure would be high.

After a night of rest in the guest room on the third floor of the inn, in the early morning of the second day, the two used the communicator to contact the team members in the Kyoto base, and then began to have breakfast.

Before the two had finished their breakfast, a message came from the communicator.After sitting in the inn and waiting for more than an hour, the former ice-type superhuman drove over with his team members in a car.

"Boss, when did you come here?" Because there was no news before, and it seemed that there were only Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie in the situation, the ice-type power user was surprised, maybe they could already come among the zombies Are you free?

"I came here last night. Okay, let's talk about the current situation of the Kyoto base first. The matter of the underground research institute was left unsolved before, so it shouldn't be so safe." Jun Lie nodded at the ice-type power user, Then asked.

 It will be released on time~ the last volume~ thank you for your support~ come on~ come on~
(End of this chapter)

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