Chapter 708 Gifts
After discussing with the ice-type power user about the Kyoto base for a while, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie entered the Kyoto base accompanied by the team.It may be due to the arrangement of the Tao family, so although there were two more strangers in the team, the guards at the gate of the city did not intend to investigate carefully.

But not long after Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie followed the ice-type supernatural beings to the residence where their team lived, the Tao brothers and sisters, He Mo, and Tang Yuanjie came to the residence one after another.

Although the two brothers and sisters of the Tao family also got to know Jun Lie from Tao Haolin's mouth, when they really saw Jun Lie, they realized that what Tao Haolin described was only one in ten thousand. One is on guard.

Fortunately, Jun Lie is not at the base in Kyoto, otherwise, they might have to step aside.Before, the two brothers and sisters of the Tao family were already a little complacent because of their supernatural powers, but when they met Jun Lie, they realized that there was someone outside of them.

Tang Yuanjie and He Mo had paid attention to Jun Lie for a while before the end of the world, so compared to the Tao family brothers and sisters, they were no strangers to Jun Lie.What's more, Luo Xiaran's inn has been open in the capital for so long, and they can also see that Jun Lie behind it must be stronger, otherwise how can they protect Luo Xiaran, a wood-type supernatural being.

Ever since they learned about Luo Xiaran's wood-type ability, He Mo and Tang Yuanjie also searched in the Kyoto base, but unfortunately, among the hundreds of thousands of people in the Kyoto base, they didn't even find a wood-type ability user.

Although the two of them couldn't be sure if some wood-type abilities were hidden by some forces, or they died because of their weak abilities in the early stage and failed to develop, but at least for now, it seems that their team has no way to get wood-type abilities. The supernatural beings are around.

"I heard that you two are married. This is a wedding gift from Yuan Jie and I to you. I hope you don't feel disgusted." They greeted each other, and then sat down in the living room. He Mo first took out a four four Fangfang's small box was handed to Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran and said.

Because the Jun family stayed in the Kyoto base for a while before collecting various gifts in exchange for gifts and the like, so after He Mo asked, he knew the news of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's marriage.

After all, this is not private, so the team members don't mind revealing it.Furthermore, even in the capital base, Jun Lie hoped that everyone would know that Luo Xiaran was his wife, let alone mind.

"Thank you Mr. Tang and Mr. He." With a sweep of her mental strength, Luo Xiaran could see through the yellow crystal nucleus inside the box. It seemed that the mutated zombies in Kyoto were more powerful.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran put away the box without looking at it, He Mo turned his head to look at Jun Lie with an inconvenient expression.The two brothers and sisters of the Tao family who were sitting on the side were a little embarrassed at this moment, because they really didn't know the news of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's marriage.

Fortunately, the two brothers and sisters of the Tao family came to contact Jun Lie instead of Tao Haolin who was inconvenient to come over, so as Jun Lie and He Mo talked, the two brothers and sisters gradually dispelled their embarrassment. Several people chatted happily.

In the end, the two parties exchanged a batch of supplies from Luo Xiaran at a low price, and left at the same time satisfied.After all, it has been found out that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie will not be permanently stationed at the Kyoto base, so they don't need to worry that the appearance of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran will affect the status quo of the Kyoto base...

(End of this chapter)

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