Chapter 712 Vicious Cycle

According to the information given by the team members who stayed in the Kyoto base, the next safe zone closest to the Kyoto base is located in T city. City T is a municipality directly under the central government, close to Sea B, with developed shipping, and a unique urban style that is compatible with ancient and modern times.

Before the end of the world, City T had a permanent population of more than 200 million people, and it was divided into sixteen districts.Because of the large population and developed trade, they suffered heavy losses after the end of the world.

Due to the inconvenience of traveling, the team members of the Kyoto base have not been to the safe zone of T city, and from the satellite, the only safe zone in T city has similar number of survivors compared to Kyoto.

However, because T city is close to Kyoto, there are naturally not a few troops stationed there. Because the end of the world began to be the summer travel season, Luo Xiaran knew that the number of survivors in T city is not all the resident population survived. .

Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran were not in a hurry to enter the safe zone of T city because they didn't know the specific situation of the safe zone in T city.What's more, the journey from the Kyoto base to the safe zone of T City is not so easy.

A large population naturally means a large number of zombies.And because of the large number of zombies, the number of mutated zombies in the city is also quite a lot, much more than the high-level zombies in S city.

After all, survivors kept cleaning up the zombies around Anping City in S City. Even if the mutated zombies wanted to evolve, without enough crystal nuclei and human flesh and blood, they couldn't improve their level that fast.

As for the zombies in the Kyoto base and the safe zone of T city, because most of the survivors are working hard for food, the zombies will naturally be much stronger after getting enough crystal nuclei or human flesh and blood.

It can be said that this is a vicious circle.The survivors left the safe zone for supplies, and then were attacked by zombies, swallowed by zombies, and the zombies became stronger. If things go on like this, the situation here will only become more dangerous.

Fortunately, the Kyoto base now has the support of Luo Xiaran's Youjian Inn. Instead of taking risks for supplies, it directly kills zombies, obtains crystal nuclei, and exchanges supplies. After this change, the situation of the Kyoto base will evolve over time. It will gradually improve.

But Luo Xiaran didn't know about this. She didn't know at all that the appearance of herself and Youjian Inn had already begun to change the end of the world unconsciously.

The survivors have the hope of life, and work hard to hunt and kill the zombies. One day, the zombies will be completely wiped out.In the middle, Luo Xiaran contributed a lot, but few people knew about it.Even Luo Xiaran herself didn't notice it.

After leaving the Kyoto branch, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie drove to the safe zone of T City.However, because the road is full of snow, and zombies and mutated plants attack from time to time, the speed is very slow.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not in a hurry. Along the way, they either slashed and killed zombies to hunt for crystal nuclei, or 'caught' some mutant plants and animals, looking leisurely as if they were traveling.

Fortunately, there were no other teams on the road, otherwise they would have been treated as lunatics.However, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were probably the only ones who could live life in the last days as if they were traveling.

After all, Luo Xiaran has been exercising her mental abilities along the way. As long as there are zombies or mutated animals and plants approaching, they can't escape Luo Xiaran's mental power. Naturally, it is much easier than other teams...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ My heart is full, it's midnight again, hurry up and go to sleep, I have to wake up at six tomorrow to prepare breakfast~
(End of this chapter)

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