Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 713 Advanced Psychic Abilities

Chapter 713 Advanced Psychic Abilities
The two of them walked for about half a month, and finally came to the outskirts of T city. At this time, heavy snow fell again.Finding an exclusive small courtyard to live in, Luo Xiaran is going to take the opportunity to advance her psychic powers here.

Unlike wood-type powers, the conditions for advanced spiritual powers are more complicated.Fortunately, Luo Xiaran has been using psychic powers non-stop along the way, and has now reached the critical point of advancement.

And this heavy snow is already the last heavy snow in the cold winter.Probably because the distance from the coast is getting closer and closer, so the sky is covered with snow, even the sight has been blocked, and the air is getting colder. Even if Luo Xiaran lights up the coal stove, she still needs to curl up in Jun Lie's arms to experience it. to a warm feeling.

Take out the boxed lunch prepared by the cook, and after eating lunch with Jun Lie, mentally looked at the surrounding situation that had become quiet due to the heavy snow, Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie: "I'm going in this time. Jie doesn’t know how long it will take, you remember to eat on time and take care of yourself.”

Because advancing requires a relatively quiet environment, but the air is too cold, so in the end Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran decided to stay in the same room to avoid any situation.After all, Luo Xiaran's defense is the lowest when she is advanced, and it will be bad if something unexpected happens.

After exchanging a fiery kiss with Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran took out the crystal nucleus and placed it on the bed. She also sat by the side, smiled at Jun Lie, and began to advance.

Compared with the previous few advances, this time's mental power advancement seems to be calm, but it is probably because it happened naturally, after all, the previous few times were caused by the absorption of power cores or energy cores. stable.

The advancement of psychic powers lasted for more than 20 hours. When Luo Xiaran successfully completed the advancement and woke up, Jun Lie was sitting by the window and eating dinner.

It had been snowing outside the window for a day, and the pattern of covering the sky and covering the earth was slightly restrained, but the snowflakes still fell from the sky, continuing to cover everything on the ground.At the entrance of the first floor, the place Jun Lie had cleared before was completely blocked by heavy snow again.

Noticing that the ups and downs in the room suddenly dissipated, Jun Lie turned around and saw Luo Xiaran had opened his eyes. "Are you hungry? I made some soup, do you want to try some?" Jun Lie put down the food in his hands, got up and walked to the coal stove. There was a soup pot sitting on the coal stove, emitting a 'gum-gum-gum' aroma.

After taking a big sip of the hot soup served by Jun Lie, his slightly cold body improved a lot.Although Jun Lie's cooking skills are not very good, the spices in the soup pot are all prepared by Dong Qing before, so the taste of the soup is naturally not bad.

After the two had dinner together, Luo Xiaran began to experiment with her advanced psychic powers.Compared with before, the range has doubled. Of course, the illusion is more handy.However, there is no subject to experiment with right now, so Luo Xiaran took it away after using it for a while.

"Let's go tomorrow morning, and we need to enter the safe zone of T city before it rains." After the rainy season, the mutated plants will grow wildly again. If they are still outside the safe zone, it will be impossible to enter the safe zone. It's that easy...

(End of this chapter)

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