Chapter 715 Six Areas
"Cough, cough, cough" After a burst of rapid coughing, a young man's slightly hoarse voice came from behind the door: "Who is it?"

"Brother, open the door. I've brought the guests back." The little girl happily said to the young man inside the room when she heard the young man's voice.

After the young man heard the little girl's voice, he hurriedly opened the door, but the first thing he noticed was not the guest the little girl said, but he pulled the little girl behind him, and then watched vigilantly. To Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

In fact, the young man didn't intend to let the little girl go to the gate of the city to greet the newcomers at first, but he agreed to let her go out in order not to worry the little girl.

What's more, the young man knew very well that the business at the gate of the city was controlled by several forces, and there were people behind those half-grown children, so no business would fall to the little girl.

So when the little girl suddenly heard that she had brought a guest back, the young man was the first to wonder if the so-called guest was after the little girl.After all, in the last days, morality is degraded, and those who like little boys and girls have no restraint. If he hadn't protected the little girl well before, she might have been kidnapped long ago.

"Brother, what are you doing? The two guests are looking for a place to live. Isn't there a vacant room at home?" The little girl stood behind the young man, sticking her head out and saying inexplicably.

"I'm sorry, two, the children in the family are ignorant and reckless, please come in." Seeing a man and a woman standing outside the door, the young man was slightly relieved.After all, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie behaved so intimately that one could tell they were a couple.

"Recently, we will stay in the safe area for a while. If it is convenient, I will borrow you." Luo Xiaran followed the young man into the house, sat on the sofa in the living room, and greeted her , said to the young man.

"No problem, but the house is a bit shabby, and I hope you two don't mind." Looking at the drinking water and dried noodles that Luo Xiaran put on the table, the young man nodded and said.

Because of his injury, he hasn't been able to go out for a while. If there is no income, the two brothers and sisters will indeed be hungry.So even if it is dangerous to leave two strangers living at home rashly, this is the only way to do it for now.If you're a little more cautious, there shouldn't be a problem.

"Then please tell us about the situation in the safe zone." Luo Xiaran pretended to pinch a piece of yellowed candy from her backpack, put it in front of the little girl, and said, "Cane sugar, it's not very Sweet, let me eat."

Noticing the little girl's salivating gaze, the young man pursed his lips, and finally asked the little girl to pick up a candy and put it in his mouth while thanking him.In the third year of the last days, things like tobacco, alcohol and candy are extremely expensive luxuries.

"The safe zone is divided into six areas. Each area is managed by a force. Entering and exiting each area requires payment of supplies just like entering a city. The conditions of each area are different, and the number of people with abilities is also different.

The area we are in now is the sixth district, the situation is the most complicated, and the living conditions are worse than those in other areas, because the sixth district stipulates that living expenses must be paid every month.

As long as the supernatural person joins the forces in the six districts, he can enjoy the life of getting "offering" every month.Within half a month when outsiders enter the city, they need a rank status, how can they continue to stay in the sixth district..."

(End of this chapter)

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