Chapter 716 Yuzhe Yutian
Through the young man's narration, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had a general understanding of the safe zone in T City.Compared with the Kyoto base, the situation in the safe zone of T City is also very complicated.

The main reason is that there are many big and small forces, and each has its own regulations. In the end, it is the ordinary survivors who are unlucky.Those who are slightly better are supernatural beings, but if it is not for powerful supernatural abilities, they will end up as cannon fodder in battle, no different from ordinary people.

Sure enough, the site built by oneself is the best.After a moment of silence, Luo Xiaran thought with a lot of emotion in her heart.However, it is precisely because the safe zone in T City is chaotic enough that Luo Xiaran has more opportunities to gain benefits.

It's just that the safe zone of T city is close to the coast, and Luo Xiaran doesn't plan to establish a branch of the inn in the safe zone of T city in the end.According to Luo Xiaran's only remaining memories, after the zombies, the weather, and the mutated animals and plants, it will be the right time.

Don't forget, Luo Xiaran and the others encountered a flood when they were by the river.And here is near the B sea, and the tsunami is probably the most likely to occur during the rainy season.Moreover, the mutated animals in the deep sea are more powerful, and sooner or later the safe zone of T City will be swallowed up.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran can't change the fate of these survivors in the safe zone of T City. After all, no one will believe and obey Luo Xiaran's words, right?If you talk too much, it's very likely that Luo Xiaran will get into unnecessary trouble.

Of course, Luo Xiaran will not remain indifferent.No matter what, it is a matter of human life and heaven. If we see which force is more pleasing to the eye, maybe we will inform them.

"Thank you, I haven't asked your name yet. I'm Luo Xiaran, and this is my husband Jun Lie." Luo Xiaran smiled at the young man and asked.

"My name is Yu Zhe, and this is my sister Yu Tian." Under Luo Xiaran's smile, Yu Zhe was slightly embarrassed.Maybe it's because Yu Zhe seldom deals with women, so Yu Zhe's temperament is a bit shy.

"It's getting late, why don't we have dinner first. In the afternoon, please, Xiao Tiantian, take us to a place where we can trade." Luo Xiaran stood up, and mentally glanced at the empty kitchen. I took out a few instant noodles and a few bottles of drinking water from the hiking bag.

Before the end of the world, Luo Xiaran never had the opportunity to eat instant noodles.But now because there are two brothers and sisters Yu Zhe and Yu Tian, ​​it is not convenient for Luo Xiaran to just take out the boxed lunch.

Even if Yu Zhe and Yu Tian's two brothers and sisters don't seem to be in the slightest danger, but if they know each other well, if Yu Zhe or Yu Tian accidentally leaks their affairs, it will only cause more trouble.

Before finding the most suitable trader, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie also need to be careful.Whether it's the materials or the appearance of the two of them, they are too conspicuous in the last days, so it is better to be more cautious.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran was about to go to the kitchen, Yu Zhe stood up quickly and said, "Why don't I cook, the two of you are guests after all, and you must be tired after all the traveling."

Naturally, there is nothing inconvenient for people to see in Yu Zhe's kitchen, but it is empty and there is no way to prepare lunch.Fortunately, Yu Zhe is a fire-type power user, but it was only activated after he was injured last time, so Yu Zhe naturally felt that he was more suitable for cooking than Luo Xiaran...

(End of this chapter)

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