Chapter 719 The Sea
"Food is in the hands of all parties. We ordinary people need to use crystal cores or materials to exchange it. Like the mutant seafood that attacked the safe zone at night, ordinary people without weapons and abilities have no way to obtain it. , so not everyone can get food." Hearing this, Yu Zhe sighed heavily, and then coughed again.

"I think your injury hasn't fully healed yet. You should stay at home and rest tonight." Luo Xiaran heard Yu Zhe's cough and couldn't help but dissuade her.

Probably because of the frequent treatment of patients and Dongfang Kang'an's advice, now Luo Xiaran can hear that Yu Zhe's lungs were injured, and without medicine, it will not be easy to recover in a short time.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I catch a fish that slipped through the net outside, it will be enough for us brothers and sisters to eat for a while." Yu Zhe knew that Luo Xiaran was doing it for his own good, but for Yu Tian's sake, it was impossible for him to stay here. Self-cultivation at home.

After all, Yu Tian is still young, she is a girl, and has no supernatural powers, so going to the gate of the city every day is also a very dangerous behavior.If you are accidentally taken away, you will never be able to find it.

So if he catches a mutated seafood tonight, then he and Yu Tian can stay at home for a few days with peace of mind.Although making mutated seafood is a bit of a waste of abilities, and the mutated seafood has a strong fishy smell and is not delicious, but as long as it can fill your stomach, why are you picky in this situation?

"Okay then, we'll go with you, and we'll have a helper then." Seeing Yu Zhe's firm eyes, Luo Xiaran shrugged his shoulders slightly, and when Jun Lie bent down to tie his shoelaces for himself, the three of them locked their shoes together. Well, the door walked towards the direction of the coast.

Of course, when leaving, Jun Lie quietly manipulated the gold-type abilities to reinforce the doors and windows of the house while Yu Zhe couldn't see it.After all, there was only one little girl left in the family. After being stared at for so long during the day, who knows if someone would touch her at night, it's better to be careful.

After walking for about an hour, the coastline gradually appeared in front of the three of them.At this time, the coast was already full of densely packed survivors, all staring at the calm sea.

In the dark night, the sea looks dark, quiet and deep, and if you move slightly in the direction of the beach, you will feel like you want to swallow the beach.

Luo Xiaran used her psychic abilities and probed into the sea bit by bit, but it didn't take long before she felt a little strenuous.For some reason, the sea water gave Luo Xiaran a sticky feeling, very heavy, which gave Luo Xiaran a bad feeling.

It seems that the sea is definitely not stable!While feeling emotional, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but shook Jun Lie's hand vigorously.The warmth of Jun Lie's palm made Luo Xiaran relax a little.

No matter what the situation of Hai Hai is, as long as Jun Lie is by her side, what is there to be afraid of?Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental strength stretching towards the sea, and turned her attention to the survivors gathered on the coast.

As Yu Zhe introduced before, all the major forces have also arranged manpower to participate in the night operation.Among the dots of light, you can see that the various forces are staying around in their own units, not the position closest to the coast, and it can even be said to be a bit peripheral.

Probably because the survivors standing at the front are the most vulnerable to attack under crowded conditions, whether it is the mutated seafood from the front, or the survivors from the rear...

(End of this chapter)

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