Chapter 720
In less than half an hour, it was already 11:30 in the middle of the night.The calm sea seemed to be thrown into a boulder, and the waves gradually became unsteady, and the chatting survivors began to be alert.

Because she withdrew her mental power before, Luo Xiaran was unable to see what was going on under the sea.It wasn't until the first one-story-high crab emerged from the sea that the battle officially started.

After the first crab, the seafood that was magnified several times continued to land on the coast.The mutated seafood that appeared first was only relatively strong in defense, but based on the team, it could be easily dealt with by three or five people under siege.

The most troublesome thing is the big octopus with many tentacles. The body of the big octopus is hidden under the sea surface, and then the tentacles attack the survivors on the shore. If there is a little carelessness, some survivors will be pulled into the sea and disappear in the sea. In the dark sea.

Luo Xiaran guessed that the amount of mutated seafood here on the coast is so large, and the volume changes greatly, so maybe there is a meteorite she wants on the bottom of the sea.It's a pity that it's too dangerous under the sea now, and psychic abilities can't detect it, so even if it is guessed that there is a meteorite, there is no way to get it.

After fighting with it for about two hours or so, the early-stage team that was almost consumed had already left with their spoils.Although the coast is very large, there are not so many places to stay when fighting. It will be bad if you are accidentally injured.

So probably because of this, the survivors in the safe zone of T City already have enough tacit understanding in the face of the mutated seafood that landed.The teams that entered the battle in the early stage were weaker or more ordinary people, and they were all faced with mutated seafood without supernatural powers.

And two hours later, after the first mutated seafood with special abilities landed and started the battle, the team that entered the battle first began to prepare to leave the field to give way to others.

Because Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had been standing behind to observe, and Yu Zhe was seriously injured, so he was going to take advantage of it at the end. Both sides maintained an observing attitude and watched the battle on the coast.

The supernatural light illuminated the dark night sky colorfully, but unfortunately the color in the sea was still dark.Luo Xiaran has never seen the sea in daytime, but the color must not be good to see where to go.

Speaking of which, although plants grew wildly after the end of the world, the smell in the air was no better than the polluted air before the end of the world because of the haze that blocked the sun and the decay of zombies and large numbers of corpses.

"When the sun rises, they will return to the sea. It may be because they live in the sea for a long time, so they don't like sunlight. It's getting late now, so I'll go down first." Yu Zhe Seeing that it was almost time, he immediately said to Luo Xiaran and the other two.

The battle lasted until three o'clock in the morning. Seeing that more and more teams were leaving, as the major forces in the safe zone began to enter the battlefield, if Yu Zhe was delayed, today's trip might be in vain.

"Okay, you go first." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie nodded to Yu Zhe, and after watching Yu Zhe enter the coast, they also walked hand in hand to the beach along the stairs .

"Catch a big crab, let's exchange it for supplies to see the situation." Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie while opening her mental power to pay attention to Yu Zhe's situation.They themselves are not short of food. Although Luo Xiaran likes to eat seafood, the situation is unknown now, so it is better not to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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