Chapter 721
The mutated crab, no matter how hard its shell was, would naturally be easily dealt with when it met Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.Just considering that there are so many people around, maybe someone will notice the two of them, so when they faced a mutant crab, the two dragged the battle for half an hour.

"This is much more tiring than fighting several waves of zombies!" After walking back together, Jun Lie pulled the mutated crab that had been killed, Luo Xiaran said with emotion.

After all, with so many outsiders around, Luo Xiaran can't use her wood-type powers, and mental powers are not very effective against mutant crabs without wisdom, but Luo Xiaran can't stand aside and watch, so she can only use Gun, to prevent attacking other people on the coast, and to pay attention to Yu Zhe's condition, even if Luo Xiaran can multitask, she still feels a little tired.

"Just this time, I won't come next time. When you find out the time for the next time, just stand on it and collect the ready-made ones." Jun Lie raised his hand and rubbed Luo Xiaran's head, holding some heavy bags The mutated crab and the two returned to the place where they were separated from Yu Zhe along the steps.

Sensing the gazes around them, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran raised their eyebrows slightly.It is probably because the people who got the team basically left directly. It is indeed a bit strange for them to stay where they are.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Yu Zhe also returned with his prey smoothly.It's just that compared to the big crabs brought back by Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, what Yu Zhe brought back were only the tentacles of two mutated octopuses, each weighing about a hundred catties.

"Miss Luo and Mr. Jun have gained a lot. Are you two going to take it back or exchange it for supplies?" Yu Zhe walked up carrying the octopus tentacles, and noticed the mutated crab beside Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie. The next step further strengthened the strength of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

"Let's change it to supplies. I don't know how to change it? By the weight or by the catty? Are you going to take this octopus tentacles back to eat?" Luo Xiaran asked after looking at the octopus tentacles that were still moving. .

"Well, Tiantian likes to eat octopus balls better, so go back and make them for her." Yu Zhe is still very dangerous if he is alone against the mutated octopus, but with other people, and Yu Zhe only needs two octopus tentacles. There are also quite a few teams that welcome Yu Zhe, a fire-type supernatural being.

Similar to mutated plants, mutated seafood is naturally afraid of fire, and a team with fire-type supernatural powers generally has a relatively large harvest, not to mention that Yu Zhe doesn't want many prey, so it is a good deal.

"If the big crab you two killed, you can replace it with ten catties of miscellaneous grains, mainly corn and soybeans." Yu Zhe continued after coughing.

Although the crab is not small, the hard shell is difficult to handle, and the meat inside is not too much, so the exchange for materials is relatively small.And the octopus tentacles in Yu Zhe's hands can be replaced with about fifty catties of miscellaneous grains.

Although some grains are mixed with sand and stones, but in this situation, it is not bad to be able to eat miscellaneous grains.If you are too picky and annoy the other party, you may not even have to eat grains mixed with sand and stones.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not aware of Yu Zhe's unfinished words. After hearing this, they pursed their lips, but they still exchanged for miscellaneous grains according to the original plan.It's just that when she noticed that the miscellaneous grains were mixed with other inedible things, Luo Xiaran felt a little worried...

(End of this chapter)

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