Chapter 723

After sleeping in Jun Lie's arms for less than two hours, the voices of Yu Zhe and Yu Tian's brother and sister woke up Luo Xiaran.After eating two cold rice balls in the room, the two walked out of the room hand in hand.

"We're going to go out alone today. Is there a place to eat in the safe zone?" Luo Xiaran smiled at the two brothers and sisters who were eating octopus balls, and then asked.

Because there was no seasoning, Yu Zhe just chopped the octopus tentacles into balls and cooked them with water.This naturally has a lot of fishy smell, but Yu Tian eats it with relish.

"Um... There are places to eat, but the price is too expensive, and I have never gone in. If you enter other areas, you need to hand in supplies or crystal cores. Be careful not to quarrel with the guards. There are people behind them.

It is best not to go to the third district, where most of the skin and meat business is done.Backpacks must be kept with care. "Although Yu Zhe didn't suggest that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie go out alone, but thinking about the relationship between them, it's not convenient to persuade them.

"Well, we'll be back tonight. You guys have a good rest at home. By the way, this is medicine. I still have a few pills. Let's count it as the cost of the next accommodation." Luo Xiaran said, pretending to take it from the mountaineering bag. He took out a box of opened medicine and threw it to Yu Zhe.

Although the wound on Yu Zhe's lung is not fatal now, but if it drags on in the long run, it will naturally not do Yu Zhe's body any good.Considering that Yu Zhe still has another Yu Tian to support, Luo Xiaran has a good sense of Yu Zhe, so he should do something good.

"How embarrassing, Ms. Luo should take back the medicine. Cough...cough...cough, the value of medicines in the safe zone is very high now, and Luo Xiaran can exchange them for supplies." Because he was a little emotional, Yu Zhe I couldn't help coughing again.

"No, just take it for you. Don't forget that you still have to take care of Xiao Tiantian. Anyway, we won't get hurt, so naturally we won't need it." Luo Xiaran hooked the corner of her mouth, and then pulled Jun Lie walked out of the room.

"This safe zone is estimated to be swallowed up by the sea in a short time. How about taking Yu Zhe and Yutian away and sending them to the next safe zone?" Luo Xiaran asked in a low voice, stroking Jun Lie's fingers .Although everyone can't be saved, Luo Xiaran believes that only Yu Zhe and Yutian's brother and sister can be persuaded to leave with her.

"It's fine if you like it. Do you want to check the whereabouts of those seafood today?" Jun Lie squeezed Luo Xiaran's hand when he heard the words, and said with a smile.As long as it was what Luo Xiaran wanted to do, Jun Lie would naturally support it.What's more, if Yu Zhe is with you, you can hand over the car to Yu Zhe to drive on the way, and then change into a RV, right?

Although it is impossible for Jun Lie to get close to Luo Xiaran outside even if he changes the RV, as long as he can hold Luo Xiaran or put his arms around Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie will feel very happy.This is much better than driving seriously all the way. If you keep an eye on the road conditions, you won't be able to pay attention to Luo Xiaran.

"Well, just walk around in the safe area and have a look. I can use my ability to check first." Luo Xiaran nodded, and opened up her mental power while talking.However, because of the complexity of the people in the safe zone, and because the winter had just ended and people began to move around, it took a lot of Luo Xiaran's ability to investigate...

(End of this chapter)

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